
This is a generated App Engine Standard Java application from the appengine-standard-archetype archetype.

See the Google App Engine standard environment documentation for more detailed instructions.


gcloud init
gcloud auth application-default login


Running locally

mvn appengine:run


mvn appengine:deploy


mvn verify

As you add / modify the source code (src/main/java/...) it's very useful to add unit testing to (src/main/test/...). The following resources are quite useful:

Updating to latest Artifacts

An easy way to keep your projects up to date is to use the maven [Versions plugin][versions-plugin].

mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
mvn versions:use-latest-versions

Note - Be careful when changing javax.servlet as App Engine Standard uses 3.1 for Java 8, and 2.5 for Java 7.

Our usual process is to test, update the versions, then test again before committing back.
