
Script that uses octokit to gather info about test fails in github workflows

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Get all annotations from product-web run-extract-messages.yml workflow runs which jobs match /^Cypress Tests report/. The configuration for this can be adjusted in src/github.ts.

There's probably some better way to get the relevant job runs that we need, but this seems to work just fine. We're using octokit to access Github API.


You need a Github PAT with workflow permission. The script expects GITHUB_TOKEN env variable.

yarn download will gather annotations for latest 100 github workflow runs on product-web. Already processed runs will be saved to workflow-runs.json and the annotations (with accompanying job and workflow info) are persisted in annotations.json. The script works incrementally so you can run it once per day and it will add to the previous data. Also, jobs with 10 or more annotations are skipped (since those are mostly runs where all or most of the cypress tests failed).

yarn report will spew out a report with errors grouped accompanied with links to relevant PR's and job runs.