Scrape flickr


  1. Clone the repo

  2. Create a virtualenvironment

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
  1. Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt


Get an API key from Flickr and make a file called credentials.json which has the following text in it (replace the credentials with your own):


To scrape for a particular search term:

python --search "SEARCH TERM" --bbox "minimum_longitude minimum_latitude maximum_longitude maximum_latitude"

To scrape for a particular group:

python --group "GROUP URL"

Where GROUP URL is something like

You can also add a lat/lng coordinates to specify a geographic bounding box:

python --search "SEARCH TERM" --bbox "minimum_longitude minimum_latitude maximum_longitude maximum_latitude"

Large-sized (1024px width) will be downloaded by default. You can download the original images by passing the flag --original.

Limit the number of pages of results downloaded by passing --max-pages N where N is pages of 500 results each. Specify the start page with --start-page M.