makefile wont pick any serial port speed
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note the '' in the output of the help command
CHIP Set to esp8266 or esp32. Default: 'esp8266'
BOARD Name of the target board. Default: 'nodemcuv2'
Use 'list_boards' to get list of available ones
FLASH_DEF Flash partitioning info. Default '4M'
Use 'list_flash_defs' to get list of available ones
BUILD_DIR Directory for intermediate build files.
Default '/tmp/mkESP/HelloServer_nodemcuv2'
BUILD_EXTRA_FLAGS Additional parameters for the compilation commands
FS_DIR File system root directory
UPLOAD_PORT Serial flashing port name. Default: '/dev/ttyUSB0'
UPLOAD_SPEED Serial flashing baud rate. Default: ''
Strange. If I do:
espmake BOARD=nodemcuv2 help
I get:
UPLOAD_SPEED Serial flashing baud rate. Default: '115200'
This value is picked from the Arduino board definition file "boards.txt"
Just checking, do you have the latest Arduino repo?
Was caused by changed format in Arduino files. Fixed in latest commit