- 1
missing core dump partition
#202 opened by lugdunum-1964 - 1
Not compatible with latest ESP32 SDK 2.0.14?
#204 opened by z0rti - 1
no mk file
#203 opened by marriusco - 2
ESP32 builds stopped working after changes in the platform.txt file from the arduino-esp32 project (support relative paths in UNIX search PATH)
#201 opened by tbk2 - 5
Compilation error on core's version 3.1.0
#194 opened by dawidchyrzynski - 5
Add support for Arduino Core 3.0.0
#200 opened by everslick - 1
Arduino IDE 2.x does not have preferences.txt
#198 opened by dmikushin - 9
.git folder appears to be included during make
#196 opened by maximweb - 7
Problems with include path
#192 opened by tpso1965 - 5
Duplicate SKETCH when including on working directory
#190 opened by maximweb - 2
Arch WSL g++
#187 opened by waynewec - 5
build_opt.h: No such file or directory
#189 opened by lugdunum-1964 - 1
Variant ESP32 devices
#185 opened by basepr1me - 7
- 1
Compilation of a simple program for esp32 fails because it tries to include library SoftwareSerial only available for architecture avr
#195 opened by vtamara - 2
- 4
how to build for esp32s3 etc.?
#184 opened by hamishcunningham - 14
Specifying multiple library directories and source files in LIBS seems not to work
#178 opened by hamishcunningham - 13
Can't compile since 8df08963
#155 opened by spacelama - 19
- 4
LittleFS compile errors on esp8266
#180 opened by KaDw - 6
ESP32 python: can't open file '/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
#183 opened by Blackqpid - 4
- 1
Getting Xtensa Error
#182 opened by uniquenepalhumepipe - 1
Error when special characters in path
#179 opened by MatthiasPortzel - 5
ESP8266WiFi.h: No such file or directory
#171 opened by animeshdhakal - 5
Couldn't write a littlefs data filesystem
#177 opened by lugdunum-1964 - 8
no installed version of esp8266
#151 opened by zonemikel - 2
Azure IoT - Previous Declaration
#141 opened by brianorbrain - 6
EXCLUDE_DIRS not honored anymore
#169 opened by everslick - 1
make flash_fs fails on version 6.4.0
#167 opened by juanolete - 5
flash not working for ESP32
#163 opened by enuit - 1
Arduino for ESP8266 version 3.0.0
#166 opened by Terstegge - 4
Usage of an environment file.
#162 opened by lowlevl - 1
Cannot compile simple project for ESP8266
#154 opened by petrstetina - 2
- 4
Compiling Error
#160 opened by animeshdhakal - 2
- 3
Why are you using perl ?
#157 opened by animeshdhakal - 1
Cannot Use cpp file
#156 opened by animeshdhakal - 2
Cannot open linker script file local.eagle.flash.ld
#153 opened by schlan - 4
Failing build when catch.hpp is present
#149 opened by krenzlin - 4
Building against IDF4.2 branch of Arduino Core
#150 opened by everslick - 4
Link time wrapping functions is broken since implementing trick.
#145 opened by everslick - 2
- 2
ESP32 builds stopped working after change to platform.txt in arduino-esp32 project
#142 opened by AdrianEddy - 2
git version is always dirty
#139 opened by fabianoriccardi - 4
set_git_version behaviour
#138 opened by fabianoriccardi - 4
show warning
#137 opened by fabianoriccardi - 2
LWIP Variant
#136 opened by uddhavdave