
Duplicate SKETCH when including on working directory

maximweb opened this issue · 5 comments

It may be more of a cosmetic thing, but I noticed that my main script gets processed twice (Duplicate warning) as soon as i include a config.h file from base folder.

My minimal test example


include ./libs/makeEspArduino/

app.cpp in basefolder:

#include "config.h"     // if I remove this, the duplicate warning disappears
#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {}

void loop() {}

config.h in basefolder:

#define VERSION_STRING "2034"

Output (excerpt)

* Duplicate:
  copied to:
* Duplicate:
  copied to:

After moving config.h to a subfolder, duplication warning disappears


While it does not affect my build, I was still wondering if this is normal/expected behavior, and if it's possible to avoid duplicate processing of my main script while keeping the file structure identical?

Sorry for very late response, I haven't been attending this repo for a while. It is a bug which appears when specifying the SKETCH without path. Fix is coming

Thank you for addressing this issue.

I saw that you made some changes and updated to version 6.8.1. Unfortunately, the issue remains unchanged.

This is a bug but you can get around it by supplying the full path to the sketch in SKETCH=

The following works for me without the necessity to provide the full path in plain text:
SKETCH = ${CURDIR}/app.cpp

Handled now in latest version