State change detection is too aggressive
Closed this issue · 6 comments
In my case I find makeEspArduino is rebuilding the whole tree way too often (always?), so I would like to be able to switch off the state change detection altogether. I propose to simply change line
to IGNORE_STATE ?= $(if $(filter $(MAKECMDGOALS), help clean dump_flash restore_flash list_boards),1,)
instead of :=
Ok, but do you have an example when it triggered and shouldn't?
For me it triggers too often, because:
- I regularly change a Makefile in a way, so I KNOW a rebuild is not necessary.
- I change the BUILD path dependent on different features I switch on/off on the command line, so no need to rebuild.
- I sometimes build without a target and then with target flash or upload.
I don't consider this feature buggy per se, but just not helpful in all cases.
Ok, the intent here is that better with one rebuild to many than one to little 😉
But you are right, it should be optional, will come in next commit
Ok, the intent here is that better with one rebuild to many than one to little
hehe. If you get paid for waiting for the build, then this would even be a real killer feature! ;-)
But you are right, it should be optional, will come in next commit
great work!!!