
A collection of commonly used Cylc workflow patterns

Primary LanguagePython


A collection of commonly used Cylc workflow patterns


This project contains a number of commonly used workflow patterns, which range from sequential to concurrent and more elaborate patterns. These patterns are the building blocks with which complex workflows can be assembled.


Assuming you're running on Linux or Mac OSX, you will need to have Cylc 8 installed,

conda create -n cylc python=3.9
conda activate cylc
conda install -c conda-forge cylc-flow
conda install -c conda-forge cylc-uiserver

Mac users beware, you may need to apply the fix here.

Example of a workflow pattern

Go into any of the subdirectories, e.g.

cd cylc-src/resilient_cycling
cylc validate .
cylc graph .

This shows the first three cycles of the resilient cycling pattern. The workflow graph is encoded in the flow.cylc file.

        P1 = """
            fix[-P1] => model?
            model:succeed? => finish
            model:fail? => diagnose => fix

In this case we have a model ("model"), which may fail or succeed. Up to 3 attempts of running "model" will be submitted. If the model succeeds after one such attempt then task "finish" is invoked. If not, then the "diagnose" and "fix" tasks are called. The latter will attempt to fix the input and run "model" again, thereby starting a new cycle.

alt resilient cycling pattern

Install the workflow with

cylc install resilient_cycling

Run the workflow with

cylc tui resilient_cycling

Type return on the workflow_name/run1 and then select "play". The figure below shows the model task (blue square) of the 48th cycle being run with the 49th cycle check waiting for the model task to complete. The green square indicates that 48th check task was successful.

alt terminal user interface (tui) showing a cycle of the resilient cycling pattern


Mac users

If you get error

nodename nor servname provided, or not known: ''

or similar, then you'll have to update the hostuserutil.py file. Around line 113, replace

                target = socket.getfqdn()


                target = socket.gethostname()