
A simple multicohort LTV calculator for subscriptions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Lucius LTV

A Python simple multi-cohort LTV calculator library for subscription-based products.


pip install lucius-ltv

Building a cohort matrix

To use this library, the first step is to build a Cohort retention matrix for your product.

To build a cohort matrix:

  • For each period of interest (week/month/year - depending on your subscription)
  • Retrieve the number of users that started paying for the first time
  • Track those users over time to observe how many where still alive in the following periods
  • Stack them in order to obtain a pd.DataFrame resembling this:
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
100 95 82 78 75 71 68 63
120 109 99 87 80 67 66
101 90 80 77 73 68
130 122 115 108 99
95 91 85 67
102 90 81
90 80

Alternatively if you are just trying out this library, you can generate a retention cohort matrix by calling generate_synthetic_cohort_matrix. An example of this is contained in the sample file, sample.py shipped with this project.

Fitting the model

Once you have a cohort matrix, you can finally fit the sBG model that will predict LTV. Behind the scenes this library implements "Fader, Peter and Hardie, Bruce, How to Project Customer Retention (May 2006)" (Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=801145 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.801145) using the powerful Bayesian Inference library pymc3.

To fit the pymc model, simply run:

Basic fit

inference_data, model = fit_sbg_model(
    periods=10,    # Number of projected periods

Fit with "all_users"

If your product offers free trials or initial offers of any kind, you can add a conversion layer to the model, by specifying the starting users:

inference_data, model = fit_sbg_model(
    all_users=[150, 147, 180, 160, 130, 140, 160], 
    periods=10,    # Number of projected periods

Fit with true parameters

If you are testing the model with synthetic data you can specify the true alpha/beta sbg parameter values (those won't be used in fitting, but to generate reference/comparison timeseries)

inference_data, model = fit_sbg_model(
    periods=10,    # Number of projected periods

Extra pymc sampling parameters

If you want you can pass extra arguments that will be re-routed to the pymc sampler, like target_accept, steps, tune, etc..

Analyzing results

The returned inference_data is a standard Arviz InferenceData object will contain a posterior estimate of the modelled variables as returned by pymc3. The most interesting variables are:

  • inference_data.posterior['ltv'] the LTV timeseries
  • inference_data.posterior['conversion_rate_by_cohort'] the conversion rates if you did the fit with all_users
  • inference_data.posterior['ltv'] the true LTV timeseries if you provided true values of alpha and beta

Please note that these are trace objects resulting from the sampling process, therefore each variable will have multiple possible values representing the sampling of the posterior distribution. From this sampling you can obtain high-density intervals using np.percentile or az.hdi.

Empirical LTV from cohort matrix

You can also compute the empirical LTV starting from the cohort matrix, allowing you to compare empirical LTV to the projected one.

empirical_ltv = compute_empirical_ltv(cohort_matrix=cohort_matrix)


The library also includes a few methods for quickly plotting results.


Plot the user lifetime value with surrounding HDI

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10))
plot_ltv(empirical_ltv, inference_data=inference_data, ax=ax)
fig.suptitle(f'Lifetime value')

Conversion Rate

Plot the conversion rate by cohort with sorrounding HDI

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10))
plot_conversion_rate(inference_data, ax=ax)
fig.suptitle(f'Conversion Rate')

Cohort matrix

Plot the cohort matrix retention rates

plot_cohort_matrix_retention(cohort_matrix, 'Cohort Retention')

Posterior distributions vs true values

Plot the posterior distributions vs true values

fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(12, 12))
az.plot_posterior(inference_data, var_names=("alpha",),
az.plot_posterior(inference_data, var_names=("beta",),
az.plot_posterior(inference_data, var_names=("conversion_rate",),
fig.suptitle(f'True v Recovered values')