Literally the best dotfiles in existence. Anyone who says otherwise is simply wrong.
These are my dotfiles, my way that I configure everything! My personal preference is that aesthetic is important, but should never overrule the functionality of the tool. With that rule in mind, I also use the One Dark theme and am a JetBrains Mono enjoyer.
- AwesomeWM
- Kitty
- Neovim
- Picom
- Polybar
- Rofi
- Oh My Posh
- tmux
- Other preferences and goodies! (wallpapers and omp theme)
Always in the works!
TERM is typed as a command.
- default root: ctrl+b
- root d: detach from session (still running)
- TERM tmux ls: gives a list of tmux sessions
- TERM tmux attach -t (tmux session): re attaches to an existing session
- root %:
- root h/j/k/l: navigate windows in respective directions
- root ctrl+j/ctrl+l: create new vertical/horizontal split