
Extract the download URL from OneDrive or SharePoint share link and push it to aria2

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Extract the download URL from OneDrive or SharePoint share link and push it to aria2


Dependent / 依赖



Usage method / 使用方法

At present, this program supports the following download methods:

  • xxx-my.sharepoint.com Download of share links
    • Downloading multiple files without password for shared links
    • Downloading multiple files with password for shared links
    • Download of files in nested folders
    • Download any file of your choice
  • xxx.sharepoint.com Downloads with share links
  • xxx-my.sharepoint.cn Download of share links (theoretically supported)


  • xxx-my.sharepoint.com 下载链接的下载
    • 无下载密码的多文件推送
    • 有下载密码的多文件推送
    • 嵌套文件夹的文件推送
    • 任意选择文件推送
  • xxx.sharepoint.com 下载链接的下载
  • xxx-my.sharepoint.cn 下载链接的下载(理论上支持)

Without password for shared links / 无密码的链接

Take this download link as an example:


At this time, you need to use the download code for no password link, that is, main.py. Open this file and you can see that there are some global variables:

If you want to download the second file, you need downloadStart=2 and downloadNum=1

If you want to download the second and third files, you need downloadStart=2, downloadNum=2

After modifying, make sure the target aria2 is on and execute python3 main.py

https://gitaccuacnz2-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/mail_finderacg_com/EheQwACFhe9JuGUn4hlg9esBsKyk5jp9-Iz69kqzLLF5Xw?e=FG7SHh 这个下载链接为例




修改好后,确保目标aria2处于开启状态,执行python3 main.py

With password for shared links / 有密码的链接

Take this download link as an example:


At this time, you need to use the download code for have password link, that is, havepassword.py. Open this file and you can see that there are some global variables (repeated without further ado):

  • OneDriveSharePwd: Password for the OneDrive link

Usage is similar to the above.

https://jia666-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/1025_xkx_me/EsqNMFlDoyZKt-RGcsI1F2EB6AiQMBIpQM4Ka247KkyOQw?e=oC1y7r 这个下载链接为例


  • OneDriveSharePwd: OneDrive链接的密码



Before you use it, clone the whole project with git clone https://github.com/gaowanliang/OneDriveShareLinkPushAria2.git to use it. havepassword.py depends on main.py, if you want to use the version that requires a password If you want to use a version that requires a password, you need to pip install pyppeteer


使用前,使用 git clone https://github.com/gaowanliang/OneDriveShareLinkPushAria2.git 将项目整个克隆,才能使用,havepassword.py依赖于main.py,如果要使用需要密码的版本,需要 pip install pyppeteer