
🛠️ ❤️ 🗺️ 🛡️ — Mircoservice for serving and listing "Made with love in <country-name>" badges

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Made with ❤️ in country-name

Made with love in India

A microservice for serving and listing the "Made with love in" badge.

Provides a quick and easy way to add the "Made with love in country-name" badge to show off your project's country of origin!

Go to madewithlove.now.sh to generate your own badge 🙂.


I built this project primarily to understand how to implement small-scale and simple APIs (microservices), especially using now.sh and it's serverless deployments.

Also, I believe this is a cute way to show where you are from or where you built your project, so yeah.

Initial inspiration for the project came from https://madewithlove.org.in. Badges are generated by Shields.io: the code is essentially a wrapper around their gh-badges library.


GET /list
GET /:countryCode

e.g. GET /in
    GET /gb?heart=true&flag=true
    GET /us?colorA=lightgreen&colorB=red&text=USA


Copyright (c) Mihir Chaturvedi. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the MIT License.