
Python library to retrive and parse information from kaco inverters over serial interface

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Kaco RS485 Doc

Python library to retrieve information from Kaco inverters.


The fastest way is to use pip to install it from pypi.

pip install kacors485


A small example is provided in the file called example.py.

Basic usage is also described below:

from kacors485 import kacors485

K = kacors485.KacoRS485('/dev/ttyUSB0')

#read inverter with address 1
data = K.readInverterAndParse(1)


#show result

The output of the example above can be e.g.:

    'checksum': {
        'description': 'Pruefsumme',
        'name': 'checksum',
        'value': 'as'
    'counter_h': {
        'description': 'Zaehler Stunden',
        'name': 'counter_h',
        'value': '8:46'
    'e_all': {
        'description': 'Gesamtenergie in 0.1kWH',
        'name': 'e_all',
        'value': '581'
    'e_day': {
        'description': 'Tagesenergie in Wh',
        'name': 'e_day',
        'value': '4184'
    'i_ac': {
        'description': 'Netz Strom',
        'name': 'i_ac',
        'value': '24.90'
    'i_dc': {
        'description': 'Generator Strom',
        'name': 'i_dc',
        'value': '10.17'
    'last_command_sent': {
        'description': 'Adresse & Fernsteuerbefehl',
        'name': 'last_command_sent',
        'value': '*013'
    'no_idea': {
        'description': 'Zaehler der Hochzaehlt, ka was',
        'name': 'no_idea',
        'value': '42'
    'p_ac': {
        'description': 'Einspeiseleistung',
        'name': 'p_ac',
        'value': '5720'
    'p_dc': {
        'description': 'Generator Leistung',
        'name': 'p_dc',
        'value': '5958'
    'p_top': {
        'description': 'Spitzenleistung in W',
        'name': 'p_top',
        'value': '2286'
    'run_all': {
        'description': 'Betriebsstunden gesamt in h',
        'name': 'run_all',
        'value': '11:04'
    'run_today': {
        'description': 'Betriebsstunden heute in h',
        'name': 'run_today',
        'value': '11:04'
    'status': {
        'description': 'Status des Wechselrichters',
        'name': 'status',
        'value': '4'
    'temp': {
        'description': 'Geraetetemperatur',
        'name': 'temp',
        'value': '36'
    'type': {
        'description': 'Wechselrichter Typ',
        'name': 'type',
        'value': '9600I'
    'u_ac': {
        'description': 'Netz Spannung',
        'name': 'u_ac',
        'value': '229.5'
    'u_dc': {
        'description': 'Generator Spannung',
        'name': 'u_dc',
        'value': '585.9'


For unit tests run $ ./runtest.sh.

End to End Testing

In order to test the application with a serial interface, we will simulate one. On Ubuntu 14.04, the following will create a serial interface:

sudo apt-get install socat

#create serial terminal input and output
socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 pty,raw,echo=0

now, on another terminal, one can run the input with the mockinverter script. Replace the serial interface, which the one you just created:

python mockinverter.py /dev/pts/29

and in another terminal the example python program

python example.py /dev/pts/28

#or to run with pdb debugger (press c to continue)
python -mpdb example.py /dev/pts/28

Development Info

Website with Source Information


Data Protocoll

send #xxy\r with xx: number of inverter and y: command:

echo -e "#010\r" > /dev/usb/tts/0

answer for 0:

#Adresse & Fernsteuerbefehl	Status	Generator-spannung	Generator-strom	Generator-leistung	Netz-spannung	Netz-strom	Einspeise-leistung	Geräte-temperatur	Tages-energie	WR Kürzel prüfsumme
*010	4	585.9	10.17	5958	229.5	24.90	5720	36	17614	9600I dx

answer for 3:

<LF>*013 2286 4184 42 581 8:46 11:04 11:04<CR>

Mit den Feldern:

  • 2286 der Spitzenleistung [W] entspricht (5 Stellen)
  • 4184 der Tagesenergie [Wh] entspricht (6 Stellen, identischer Wert wie bei Kommando "0")
  • 42 ein Zähler ist der hochzählt (6 Stellen) (habe noch keine Ahnung was das ist)
  • 581 der Gesammtenregie in [1/10*kWh] entspricht (6 Stellen)
  • 8:46 dem "Zähler Stunden" entspricht (6:2 Stellen)
  • 11:04 den "Betriebsstunden heute" entsprechen (6:2 Stellen) (Vermutung !!)
  • 11:04 den "Betriebsstunden gesammt" wohl entsprechen (6:2 Stellen) (Vermutung !!)