RuneTF is a server mod for Team Fortress 2. Runes are power-ups that grant special abilities. You can have only one rune active at a time, and remain active until death.
The original Quake Runes mod was a free-for-all player deathmatch. Many of the runes had abilities increasing the player's survivability or fragging efficiency. When porting the concept to Team Fortress, it became apparent that some of the runes were too strong in a team-based objective setting. Similar to the design philosophy of the weapon alternatives, runes that increase a player's damage output come with negative effects.
When designing new runes, the focus was to complement team-play more than buffing individual players. Some runes can become more effective when used in coordination with the team. Because of the random nature of the rune drops, runes that only effect certain classes were avoided. However some runes are certainly more effective in the hands of certain classes. As such, runes can be shared with teammates by dropping them on the ground.
Although most runes have passive abilities, some runes require activating with the command +use
Aware - Periodically scans your nearby surroundings. Shows class and health of nearby players.
Recall - Teleport to a previous location. +use
sets or clears teleport destination. When far enough away, teleports player to destination.
Blink - Teleports between two locations. +use
to toggle destinations.
IronDome - Launches interceptor rockets upon death. Interceptor rockets cause knockback only.
DeadMansTrigger - Triggers explosion upon death. +use
to activate with greater effect. When fully detonated the affected players are temporarily stunned. Contact with interceptor rockets negate this rune's effects.
Sharing - Healthkits and ammokits picked up are shared with nearby teammates.
Rage - Increases rate of fire upon damaging an enemy. Prolonged usage can cause adverse effects.
Powerplay - Instantly respawns fallen teammates when you kill three enemies in under 10 seconds.
Shared Sacrifice - Incoming damage is divided among nearby teammates.
Diamond Skin - Damage reduced by 10. The bleed, jarate, milk, and stun conditions have no effect.
Engineering - Grants speed boost when carrying objects. Steals enemy sentries upon death.
Ammo - Passively replenishes ammo. Active with +use
to restore your weapon clip. Additionally, engineers gain metal, and spies gain cloak time.
Pounce - Passively grants more control over movement when in the air.
Vault - Passively increases height of jumps.
Assault - Grants a speed boost when ubered.
Vanguard - Redirects damage from nearby weaker teammates to you.
AirBud - Increased air movement. Decreased gravity.
Sabotage - Deal extra damage to buildings and take extra damage from engineers. Stronger spy sappers.
Melee - Melee attacks only. Damage increased.
Haste - Slight buff to player movement speed. Penality when under the effects of jarate, bleed, milk, or daze.
Repulsion - Enemy rockets, flares, and arrows are pushed away from the player.
Copy contents of the folder runetf_tf2_resources/
into your tf/
Copy contents of the folder runetf_sourcemod_resources/
into your sourcemod's root folder, addons/sourcemod/
Copy contents of the folder plugins/
into sourcemod's plugins folder, addons/sourcemod/plugins/
Copy from extensions/
into sourcemod's extenesion folder, addons/sourcemod/extensions
Add to your server.cfg
tf_allow_player_use 1
sv_pure 0
or add exec happs.cfg
Currently, only stock maps have rune spawn points. But an in-game menu is provided to add spawn points to custom maps.
rune_enable Enables runetf game-mode
rune_version Version
rune_spawn_interval Time between random spawns
rune_spawn_lifetime Time until a spawned rune expires
rune_spawn_droptime Time until a rune dropped by a player expires
rune_round_start_clear Clear runes on map and from players when a new round starts
rune_round_end_clear Clear runes on map and from players when a mini-round ends
st_gamedesc_override Changes game type to RuneTF. Set to empty string to disable.
You can change these cvars on a per map basis by adding them to a cfg/mapname.cfg file.
players must have bound a key to +use
drop your currently held rune
shows rune held by player or targeting
vote to enable runetf
vote to disable runetf
display a rune's abilities
spawn a specific rune
enable !spawn__rune for everyone
add rune spawn points to the map using the in-game menu
modify rune spawn points in the map
@args create, display, set, merge, load, drop, cluster, event
Create a new cluster with sm_gen cluster create <clustername>
Add a range of cluster ids with sm_gen cluster add|remove <clustername> [lower-upper]
create clusters of rune spawn points
low-level spawn point manipulations
saves current spawn points and events to disk
reloads from disk spawn points of map
Spawn points have unique numbers assiociated with them. You can group spawn points with the sm_gen cluster create
command. Clusters can be attached to events that will either add/remove or toggle those spawn points to the list of spawn points. Additionally clusters of runes can be instantly spawned when events are triggered.
When adding new spawn points, make sure to merge the working-set into the master list and save. Test your changes with test_spawn
$ git clone
$ cd runetf/
$ git submodule init
If you just wish to compile the sourepawn scripts, copy the contents of scripting/
and into your sourcemod's root folder.
To compile the extension:
$ git submodule update
$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ python ../ -s tf2
$ ambuild