
Core library for CH32duino

Primary LanguageC

Arduino core support for CH32 EVT Boards


This repo adds the support of CH32 MCU in Arduino IDE.

The file includes:

  • Arduino_Core_CH32:Public library files.
  • openocd:can directly use WCH-LINKE to download and debug wch chips.
  • riscv-none-embed-gcc:A toolchain that supports WCH custom half word and byte compression instruction extensions and hardware stack push/pop functions.

How to use

You can add this software package directly on the IDE through the Arduino Boards Manager.

Add the following link in the "Additional Boards Managers URLs" field:


Then you can search for "wch" through the "board manager", find the installation package, and install it.

Supported boards

It will be a long-term support and maintenance project, unless we encounter force majeure factors.The current version supports the following development boards:

CH32V00x EVT Boards

Status Boards name Peripherals Release Notes
✔️ CH32V003F4P ADC,DAC,USART,GPIO,EXTI,SysTick 1.0.0 SPI,I2C since 1.0.2

CH32V20x EVT Boards

Status Boards name Peripherals Release Notes
✔️ CH32V203G8U ADC,DAC,USART,GPIO,EXTI,SysTick 1.0.0 SPI,I2C since 1.0.2

CH32X035 EVT Boards

Status Boards name Peripherals Release Notes
✔️ CH32X035G8U ADC,DAC,USART,GPIO,EXTI,SysTick 1.0.1 SPI,I2C since 1.0.2

Submit bugs

If you have any questions, you could contact me through the email "yy@wch.cn". Or you could file an issue on GitHub.