Github Pages

My To-Dos

  • Initialize site
  • Things to add: Sample lecture notes, contact info, collaboration

Steps to initialize Jekyll site

  1. Install Ruby on your local machine's operating system.

  2. Within your terminal, install jekyll and bundler gems. Reference

gem install jekyll bundler
  1. Initialize Github repo named <github.username>

  2. git clone to local machine. Then navigate to cloned repo folder.

cd <github.username>
  1. Create Jekyll site within repo folder. Reference
jekyll new --skip-bundle .
  1. Follow steps 8 thru 13 to setup the site files. Reference
# Ensures all specified dependencies in _config.yml are installed
bundle install
  1. You can test your site on your local machine before pushing to remote.
bundle exec jekyll serve
  1. Preview site in browser at http://localhost:4000.

  2. Once you're satisfied, clean the local repo with

bundle exec jekyll clean
  1. Git Add/Commit/Push to remote.