
Plone for Education suite, that shows how improve the effectiveness of classes or courses presencial, also offering E-learing solutions, create forms with workflow through the Web, etc.

Primary LanguagePython

PloneEdu demo suite

The idea with this buildout configuration is show install a Plone latest version with the commons and usefull third-party add-ons Plone for education sector.

Plone for Education suite, that shows how improve the effectiveness of classes or courses presencial, also offering E-learing solutions, create forms with workflow through the Web, etc.


PloneEdu suite includes some Plone products and configurations like these:

  • eduComponents products.
    • Products.ECAssignmentBox.
    • Products.ECAutoAssessmentBox.
    • Products.ECLecture.
    • Products.ECQuiz.
  • eduCommons products.
    • collective.imstransport.
    • collective.plonebookmarklets.
    • collective.searchandreplace.
  • Workflow Manager products.
    • plone.app.workflowmanager.
    • Products.DCWorkflowGraph.
    • collective.wfautodoc.
  • Commons products.
    • Products.FacultyStaffDirectory.
    • collective.contentlicensing.
    • eea.progressbar.

Development installation

To get a basic development installation running follow the steps below: :

$ git clone git@github.com:plone-ve/ploneedu_demos.suite.git
$ cd ploneedu_demos.suite
$ python bootstrap.py
$ bin/buildout -vvvvvvvvN

CMFBibliographyAT dependency

CMFBibliographyAT requires some utils to Convert between bibliographic data formats. Before you need to set up the bibutils package. :

# aptitude install bibutils



This Plone distribution is released under GPL Version 2.

ploneedu_demos.suite is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.
