
implements low-level, non-Plone/Zope2-specific support for creating "tiles" in the Mosaic layout system.

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plone.tiles implements a low-level, non-Plone/Zope2-specific support for creating "tiles".

For the purposes of this package, a tile is a browser view and an associated utility providing some metadata about that view. The metadata includes a title and description, an 'add' permission and optionally a schema interface describing configurable aspects of the tile. The idea is that a UI (such as Mosaic) can present the user with a list of insertable tiles and optionally render a form to configure the tile upon insertion.

A tile is inserted into a layout as a link:

<link rel="tile" target="placeholder" href="./@@sample.tile/tile1?option1=value1" />

The sub-path (tile1 in this case) is used to set the tile id attribute. This allows the tile to know its unique id, and, in the case of persistent tiles, look up its data. sample.tile is the name of the browser view that implements the tile. This is made available as the __name__ attribute. Other parameters may be turned into tile data, available under the data attribute, a dict, for regular tiles. For persistent tiles (those deriving from the PersistentTile base class), the data is fetched from annotations instead, based on the tile id.

There are three interfaces describing tiles in this package:

is the low-level interface for tiles. It extends IBrowserView to describe the semantics of the __name__ and id attributes.
describes a tile that can be configured with some data. The data is accessible via a dict called data. The default implementation of this interface, plone.tiles.Tile, will use the schema of the tile type and the query string (self.request.form) to construct that dictionary. This interface also describes an attribute url, which gives the canonical tile URL, including the id sub-path and any query string parameters. (Note that tiles also correctly implement IAbsoluteURL.)
describes a tile that stores its configuration in object annotations, and is needed when configuration values cannot be encoded into a query string. The default implementation is in plone.tiles.PersistentTile. To make it possible to have several tiles of a given type on the same layout, the annotations are keyed by the tile __name__.

Internally tiles are described by ITileType. It contains attributes for the tile name, title, description, add permission and schema (if required).

A properly configured tile consists of

  • a utility providing ITileType with the same name as the tile browser view.
  • a browser view providing IBasicTile or one of its derivatives.

The directive <plone:tile ... /> is used to register both of these components in one go.

To support creation of appropriate tile links, plone.tiles.data contains two methods:

  1. encode() and
  2. decode()

to help turn a data dictionary into a query string and turn a request.form dict into a data dict that complies with a tile's schema interface.

In addition to the default tile configuration sources (transient query strings for ITile and persistent annotations for IPersistentTile), it is possible to define custom tile configuration sources by registering dictionary like ITileDataStorage-adapter for your context, request and tile interface. Will be accessed dictionary like by tile data managers with tile id and its data dictionary.

The most basic tile looks like this:

from plone.tiles import Tile

class MyTile(Tile):

    def __call__(self):
        return u'<html><body><p>Hello world</p></body></html>'

Note that the tile is expected to return a complete HTML document. This will be interpolated into the page output according to the following rules:

  • The contents of the tile's <head /> section is appended to the output document's <head /> section.
  • The contents of the tile's <body /> section will replace the tile placeholder as indicated by the tile link.

Note that this package does not provide these interpolations. For a Plone implementation of the interpolation algorithm, see plone.app.blocks.

If you require a persistent tile, subclass plone.tiles.PersistentTile instead. You may also need a schema interface if you want a configurable transient or persistent tile.

To register the tile, use ZCML like this:

<configure xmlns:plone="http://namespaces.plone.org/plone">


        title="A title for the tile"
        description="My tile's description"



The first five attributes describe the tile by configuring an appropriate ITileType directive. The rest mimics the <browser:page /> directive, so you can specify a template file and omit the class, or use both a template and class.

If you want to register a persistent tile with a custom schema, but a template only, you can do e.g.:

    title="A title for the tile"
    description="My tile's description"

If you want to override an existing tile, e.g. with a new layer or more specific context, you must omit the tile metadata (title, description, icon, add permission or schema). If you include any metadata you will get a conflict error on Zope startup. This example shows how to use a different template for our tile:


The plone:tile directive uses the namespace xmlns:plone="http://namespaces.plone.org/plone". In order to enable it loading of its meta.zcml is needed, use:

<include package="plone.tiles" file="meta.zcml" />

When registering a tile, in the background two registrations are done:

  1. How to add the tile (registered as a utility component as an instance of plone.tiles.type.TileType).

    It is possible to register a tile without adding capabilities. However, such a tile needs to be directly called, there won't be any TTW adding possible.

    This registration can be done once only.

    This registration uses the following attributes:

    • name (required)
    • title (required)
    • description (optional)
    • icon (optional)
    • permission (required)
    • add_permission (required for adding capabilities)
    • edit_permission (optional, default to add_permission)
    • delete_permission (optional, default to add_permission)
    • schema (optional)
  2. How to render the tile (as a usual page).

    It is possible to register different renderers for the same name but for different contexts (for or layer).

    This registration uses the following attributes:

    • name (required)
    • for (optional)
    • layer (optional)
    • class (this or template or both is required)
    • template (this or class or both is required)
    • permission (required)

The directives attributes have the following meaning:

A unique, dotted name for the tile.
A user friendly title, used when configuring the tile.
A longer summary of the tile's purpose and function.
Image that represents tile purpose and function.
Name of the permission required to view the tile.
Name of the permission required to instantiate the tile.
Name of the permission required to modify the tile. Defaults to the add_permission.
Name of the permission required to remove the tile. Defaults to the add_permission.
Configuration schema for the tile. This is used to create standard add/edit forms.
The interface or class this tile is available for.
The layer (request marker interface) the tile is available for.
Class implementing this tile. A browser view providing IBasicTile or one of its derivatives.
The name of a template that renders this tile. Refers to a file containing a page template.

See tiles.rst and directives.rst for more details.