
A small wrapper around dataclass to enable use as config file with click.

Primary LanguagePython


Click-config enables the use of dataclasses as config objects which can be read from configurations files (yaml, toml, or json; the type is derived from the file extension). Values in the config file can be overwritten using command line options (click-config integrates dataclasses with click).

Example Usage

For a more detailed description of each field, see examples/simple.py.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Literal

from click import command

from click_config import click_config_options, field

class Config:
    """Some description.

    :param epochs: Number of epochs to train
    :param output_dir: This help text is ignored in cli (see --help)

    epochs: int
    learning_rate: float = field("--lr")
    output_dir: Path = field(
        "-o", "--outdir", help="Where to store the results."
    comment: str = ""
    optimizer: Literal["sgd", "adam"] = "sgd"
    hidden_sizes: List[int] = field(
        "-h", "--hidden", default_factory=lambda: [100, 10]

def run(config):

if __name__ == "__main__":

This script can be called from the command line. A configuration file can be loaded via --config <path> and individual fields can be overwritten using command line options such as --comment "test comment".

A help text describing each parameter and its type is automatically generated.

$ python examples/simple.py --help
Usage: simple.py [OPTIONS]

  --config FILE
  -h, --hidden INTEGER
  --optimizer [sgd|adam]
  --comment TEXT
  -o, --outdir PATH       Where to store the results.
  --lr FLOAT
  --epochs INTEGER        Number of epochs to train
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

If there is no help argument in a field description (using field(help=<help string>)), click-config tries to find a param description based on the docstring of the class. Currently ReST, Google, Numpydoc-style and Epydoc docstrings are supported (using the docstring-parser package).

The resulting config object has all the features of a dataclass and, if the @config_class decorator or ConfigClass base class have been used, additionally methods for loading values from a file (from_file) and a returning the values as a dict (to_dict) are added.

The name of the argument (in the decorated CLI function; here config) can be changed using the name argument of click_config_options. This also affects the name of the option used to load configuration files.


In your environment, run:

pip install git+https://github.com/plonerma/click-config.git