Banking Project

Presentations (Monday ~ Wednesday of Week 3)

  • Presentations will start when QC team joins.

Create a bank that users can interact with

  • As a user I can login and logout.
  • As a user I can view my balance.
  • As a user I can withdraw money.
  • As a user I can deposit money.
  • Optional: As a user I can register.
  • Optional: As a user I can view all my transactions.


  • Data is persisted (saved) to an Oracle database with JDBC.
    • While you don't know these technologies, use interface driven development and start with a concrete implementation that return static data (a List with something for example) or use Serialization and persist data to a text file.
    • Once you learn JDBC and basics of SQL, you can create a new concrete implementation from that interface that you created and proceed to develop the actual data access code.
  • Make at least 2 JUnit test cases.
    • Remember: a test case should involve more than one Test involving the same functionality, example: Authentication test case - Tests: Successful Login, Failed Login.
  • Use Log4j for error tracking and tracing.
  • Create at least 2 custom exceptions.
  • Input/Output through the console.


  • Stick to the requirements, don't go overboard with extra features and if you do have extra features, make sure the main requirements are met.
  • It is not mandatory to follow the package structure provided in this project, however, I totally recommend you to try to follow it because this is the way that you develop following the single responsibility principle, and the way that we are going to code for the rest of the training.
    • If it becomes to hard for you to follow a modular approach for this project, use your own.