
Backend API and Database routes to send post and comment data for our React-blog application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FullStack React Blog

About this repository

  • Main goals of this repository:
    • To create API and Database routes that will then be used for the front end.
    • Using react, display the posts and comments for the site.


The front end of our Full Stack React Blog was created using the following technologies/frameworks/libraries:

The backend was created using the following technologies/frameworks/libraries:

  • Sequelize


The Requirements for this exercise were as follows:

  • Using our API routes on the backend, to create a blogging application that allows users to comment on posts as well as create new articles.

Lessons Learned

  • REST API basics
  • Implementation of Sequelize to handle SQL queries
  • Refamiliarized with CRUD API operations and the respective Sequelize methods to handle those operations in the Database.
  • How to use the CORS middleware package to enable different cors options.
const cors = require('cors');
    origin: 'http://localhost:3001'
  • How to pass state variables/change functions to child components as props.
    • The Comments/setComments are pieces of state
{comments.map(comment => <CommentCard key={comment.id} commentData={comment} comments={comments} setComments={setComments}></CommentCard>)}
  • Then inside the CommentCard component, the following is used to access these variables/function
const {comments, setComments} = props;
  • Created an estimated reading time function that is then called for the article details.
//! A function that returns the time it will take for an average person to read the content
//? For non-technical material, the average reading time (in words per minute) is 200 to 250.
const ReadTimeCalculator = (string) => {
    //? first we split the string on spaces, whitespace, periods, and commas
    //? Then we filter out any empty matches
    // * const words = string.split(/[\s.,]/g).filter(Boolean).length;
    // ? Alternatively, returns an array of words from the string
    const words = string.match(/\w+/g).length
    const divideToString = (words/225).toString().split('.');
    const [min, seconds] = [parseInt(divideToString[0], 10), Math.ceil(("0." + divideToString[1]) * 60)];
    if (min > 1){
        if (seconds > 1){
            return `${min} minutes and ${seconds} seconds`
        }else {
            return `${min} minutes and ${seconds} second`
        if(seconds > 1){
            return `${min} minute and ${seconds} seconds`
        }else {
            return `${min} minute and ${seconds} second`

export default ReadTimeCalculator;

Still Todo

  1. Approve comments if admin
  2. edit posts if admin
  3. edit comments if admin