
Another React repo structured after facebooks react GitHub issues page, using the GitHub issues API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GitHub Issues

A repository to practice React, React-Hooks, React-Router React-Bootstrap, and React-markdown.


The React GitHub Issues App was created using the following languages and technologies:

How it works

This app uses the React-Router package in connection with the GitHub issues API to analyze the URL and display different issue components depending on user input.

In App.js:

    <Route exact path="/issues" component={IssueList}/>
    <Route path="/labels/:name" component={IssuesByLabel}/>
    <Route path="/issues/detail/:number" component={IssueDetail}/>

In the issueDetail Component:

    const {number} = useParams();
    const [detailData, setDetailData] = useState(null);
    const loadIssueDetail = () => {
            .then(res => res.json())
            .then(data => setDetailData(data))
    useEffect(() => {
    }, [])


The Requirements for this exercise were as follows:

  • Using our newfound React-knowledge, try to recreate the github issues page as best as possible.

What I Learned

  • Implementation of React Hooks
    • Using functional vs. class components.
      • Prior to this exercise, the course had only taught us to use class components.
      • Although they are extremely similar, I lean towards using hooks for their conciseness.
  • Using the React-Router package
    • Prior to this exercise, there was a glaring similarity between all of the react apps the class was tasked with creating...they were all one page.
      • React-Router solves this problem by allowing us to create different routes (similar to how we did on the backend) that will link the user to different components.
  • Using the React-Markdown package
    • The GitHub issues API returned a multitude of data when called. For each individual issue detail the API returned a large string of text that upon investigation had some markdown markup already included.
    • To take advantage of this styling I installed/used React-Markdown.
    • This library provides the React component to render the Markdown markup.
<ReactMarkdown source={detailData.body} />

Still Todo

  • Implement a backend using express
  • Continue to style the components