
Small project for Twilio Hackathon at DEV.to

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

COVID-19 Peak Detector

dev.to twiliohackathon License: MIT


This is a project for the Twilio x DEV.to community hackathon 2020.

COVID-19 Peak Detector is a Spring Boot application with a DynamoDB store that displays graph information with stats about COVID-19. You can select the country you are interested in and you can create an alert by entering your phone number.

A scheduled process will check the data periodically and will send the alert when a peak is detected.

For simplicity and to avoid unnecessary spam, after sending the alert the process removes it from the database.

In addition to that, there is an anonymous chat available, in which COVID-19 news are posted every 5 minutes. People can comment on the news or just talk about the weather.

Running locally

Run DynamoDB locally and update application.properties` to point to your local instance.

docker run -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local

More information here https://hub.docker.com/r/amazon/dynamodb-local.

Properties you will need to override.

twilio.accountSid = REPLACE_ME

# Needed for SMS notifications
twilio.authToken = REPLACE_ME
twilio.fromPhone = REPLACE_ME

# Needed for the chat
twilio.apiKey = REPLACE_ME
twilio.apiSecret = REPLACE_ME
twilio.serviceSid = REPLACE_ME

# Needed for the database
amazon.dynamodb.endpoint = http://localhost:8000/
amazon.aws.accesskey = REPLACE_ME
amazon.aws.secretkey = REPLACE_ME

# Needed for news
newsapi.apiKey = REPLACE_ME

You can the JAR file or use /gradlew bootRun to run the project.


Please note this project is part of a hackathon, therefore it does not reflect best coding practices necessarily e.g. there are no tests. Please do not use this project as a reference for production code.