
Convert S-expressions to Visual Basic for Applications

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

  • vba syntax


  • required for minimum viability:
(function call with named arguments)
  • sub
[ Private | Public | Friend ] [ Static ] Sub name [ ( arglist ) ]
[ statements ]
[ Exit Sub ]
[ statements ]
End Sub

arglist ::= [ Optional ] [ ByVal | ByRef ] [ ParamArray ] varname [ ( ) ] [ As type ] [ = defaultvalue ]

Sub Question() 
    myVar = MsgBox(Prompt:="I enjoy my job.", _ 
        Title:="Answer Box", Buttons:="4") 
    MsgBox myVar 
End Sub

' Sub procedure definition. 
' Sub procedure with two arguments. 
Sub SubComputeArea(Length, TheWidth) 

   Dim Area As Double ' Declare local variable. 

   If Length = 0 Or TheWidth = 0 Then 
      ' If either argument = 0. 
      Exit Sub ' Exit Sub immediately. 
   End If 
   Area = Length * TheWidth ' Calculate area of rectangle. 
   Debug.Print Area ' Print Area to Debug window. 

End Sub

  • named argument
MsgBox Title:="Task Box", Prompt:="Task Completed!"

answer3 = MsgBox(Title:="Question 3", _ 
Prompt:="Are you happy with your salary?", Buttons:=4) 
  • function
    [Public | Private | Friend] [ Static ] Function name [ ( arglist ) ] [ As type ]
    [ statements ]
    [ name = expression ]
    [ Exit Function ]
    [ statements ]
    [ name = expression ]
    End Function
    Function BinarySearch(. . .) As Boolean 
    '. . . 
     ' Value not found. Return a value of False. 
     If lower > upper Then 
      BinarySearch = False 
      Exit Function 
     End If 
    '. . . 
    End Function
  • comment
    ' this is a comment
  • declare variable
Dim myVar, nextVar, thirdVar
Dim myAnswer As String
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer
Dim x%, y%, z as Integer
  • shorthand for types
% -integer;
& -long;
@ -currency;
# -double;
! -single;
$ -string
  • fixed array
    Dim MyArray(10, 10) As Integer 
  • dynamic array
Dim sngArray() As Single
ReDim Preserve varArray(UBound(varArray) + 10) 
  • for
For counter = start To end [ Step step ]
[ statements ]
[ Exit For ]
[ statements ]
Next [ counter ]

For Words = 10 To 1 Step -1 ' Set up 10 repetitions. 
 For Chars = 0 To 9 ' Set up 10 repetitions. 
 MyString = MyString & Chars ' Append number to string. 
 Next Chars ' Increment counter 
 MyString = MyString & " " ' Append a space. 
Next Words 
  • for-each
For Each element In group
[ statements ]
[ Exit For ]
[ statements ]
Next [ element ]

Dim Found, MyObject, MyCollection 
Found = False    ' Initialize variable. 
For Each MyObject In MyCollection    ' Iterate through each element.  
    If MyObject.Text = "Hello" Then    ' If Text equals "Hello". 
        Found = True    ' Set Found to True. 
        Exit For    ' Exit loop. 
    End If 

  • while
    While condition [ statements ] Wend
  • loop
    Do [{ While | Until } condition ]
    [ statements ]
    [ Exit Do ]
    [ statements ]
    [ statements ]
    [ Exit Do ]
    [ statements ]
    Loop [{ While | Until } condition ]
    Public Sub LoopExample()
        Dim Check As Boolean, Counter As Long, Total As Long
        Check = True: Counter = 0: Total = 0 ' Initialize variables.
        Do ' Outer loop.
            Do While Counter < 20 ' Inner Loop
                Counter = Counter + 1 ' Increment Counter.
                If Counter Mod 10 = 0 Then ' Check in with the user on every multiple of 10.
                    Check = (MsgBox("Keep going?", vbYesNo) = vbYes) ' Stop when user click's on No
                    If Not Check Then Exit Do ' Exit inner loop.
                End If
            Total = Total + Counter ' Exit Do Lands here.
            Counter = 0
        Loop Until Check = False ' Exit outer loop immediately.
        MsgBox "Counted to: " & Total
    End Sub
  • conditional
If condition Then
[ statements ]
[ ElseIf condition-n Then
[ elseifstatements ]]
[ Else
[ elsestatements ]]
End If

Dim Number, Digits, MyString 
Number = 53 ' Initialize variable. 
If Number < 10 Then 
 Digits = 1 
ElseIf Number < 100 Then 
' Condition evaluates to True so the next statement is executed. 
 Digits = 2 
 Digits = 3 
End If 
  • dictionary
Dim d                   'Create a variable
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
d.Add "a", "Athens"     'Add some keys and items
d.Add "b", "Belgrade"
d.Add "c", "Cairo"