
Bindings for FontAwesome icons to be used in XeLaTeX.


Bindings for FontAwesome icons to be used in XeLaTeX.

The current version of FontAwesome icons used is 4.0.3. See this for an older version (using FontAwesome version 3.1.1) with better documentation, examples, and for more information.

How to Use


  • You must have the FontAwesome font installed on your machine (download the .otf file here).
  • You must be using XeLaTeX and have the fontspec package installed.


  1. Download the fontawesome.sty file and put it in the same directory as the LaTeX file using the icons.
  2. Include the package as normal (in the preamble of the .tex file, add the line \usepackage{fontawesome}).
  3. Use an icon by typing \faIconName. For example, to use the fa-quote-left icon, convert it to camelcase and prepend the slash: \faQuoteLeft.