"I should go vegan" has returned a few false positives
Opened this issue · 2 comments
It's a useful phrase to have in there, but so far it's matched probably around three or four tweets where the person's sentiment was along the lines of "don't tell me I should go vegan" or "my cousin told me if I'm feminist I should go vegan and I got so pissed" (paraphrased examples).
We generally only wanna retweet people who would like to be contacted by friendly vegans, so these are clear misses.
(I've so far manually unretweeted these instances as they come up.)
I don't know exactly how to catch these, but maybe I could log the next few and see if they follow a pattern that could at least catch most cases.
A simple alteration that might do pretty well is to require the phrase to be at the start of the tweet, so that I should go vegan
matches but Don't tell me I should go vegan
Not sure if that'd exclude too much.
Re-opening so that we don't forget that the current fix could/should be improved.