- 5
- 11
Spanish phrases by /u/wannabered22
#20 opened by squeek502 - 0
- 1
Wiki page for vegan advice
#47 opened - 4
Reporting on tweets captured per "regex"
#31 opened - 3
Don't RT things that come from blocked accounts.
#54 opened by plorry - 1
False positives for recidivism
#52 opened by Shaderboy - 7
Add a hashtag filter for asking questions
#29 opened by joriskcf - 1
- 3
- 4
Delayed RTing might help the freak-out factor
#33 opened by plorry - 2
gh-pages branch can be orphaned
#27 opened by squeek502 - 3
Add ability to run on selected filters
#28 opened - 1
Portuguese (maybe other languages) can get a false positive match on a negative sentiment
#25 opened by plorry - 4
Add an automated way to get tweets un-retweeted
#24 opened by squeek502 - 2
Matches log a little over-eagerly
#16 opened by plorry - 3
Exclude phrases that are in quotes?
#11 opened by squeek502 - 2
- 0
- 1