
Primary LanguageLiveScript


Source file tree builder.


setup a lsp ( livescript + stylus + pug ) watcher:

require! <[@plotdb/srcbuild]>
srcbuild.lsp {base: 'web', i18n: ..., logger: ...}


  • base: root dir for src and static folders. default .
  • i18n: i18n object.
  • ignored: files to be ignored. in anymatch-compatible definition.
    • by default ['.git']
  • logger: optional. for logging output. use console.log by default.
    • sample logger with pino:

      require! <[@plotdb/srcbuild pino]> srcbuild.lsp({logger: pino({level: 'debug'})})

These fields will be passed to all customized builders. Additionally, configurations in builder-specific fields will lso be passed to corresponding customized builders. For example, bundle field will be passed to bundle builder:

srcbuild.lsp {bundle: { ... /* this will be passed to bundle builder */ }, ...}

For lsp, there are 4 different builders:

  • lsc: build *.ls from src/ls to static/js.
  • stylus: build *.styl from src/styl to static/css.
  • pug: build *.pug from src/pug to static.
  • bundle: bundle css and js files

See following sections for additional options in custom builders.

Custom Adapter

Extend base builder for a customized builder:

base = require("@plotdb/srcbuild").base

mybuild = (opt = {}) -> @init({srcdir: 'src', desdir: 'des'} <<< opt)
mybuild.prototype = Object.create(base.prototype) <<< {
  is-supported: (file) -> return true
  get-dependencies: (file) -> return []
  build: (files) -> # build will be called if is supported.

with following user-defined functions:

  • is-supported(file): return true if file is supported by this builder, otherwise return false.
    • file: file name for file to be verified. Relative to cwd.
  • get-dependencies(file): return a list of files that this file depends on.
    • file: same as is-supported
  • build(files): should compile / generate target files of given file list files.
    • files: a list of objects corresponding to files to be compiled, with following fields:
      • file: path of the file to be built, relative to cwd.
      • mtime: timestamp of the modified time of this file. may be modified time of its dependencies.
  • purge(files): should remove generated files corresponding to files listed in files.
    • files: same as build.
  • resolve(file): return source file path for given target file file.
    • return null if the given target file can't be derived from any supported source files.

and the common options for init are as following:

  • base: root directory for srcbuild to run.
  • srcdir: directory for source files. should be relative to base. default src if omitted.
  • desdir: directory for built files. should be relative to base. default static if omitted.
  • logger: logger for log output. use console if omitted.
  • initScan: default true. if true, run a directory scanning for files to build when adapter is initing.

check src/ext/lsc.ls or src/ext/pug.ls for example.

Options for custom builder

Except common options, each builder may support different options:

  • pug:
    • intlbase: base dir to place i18n files. for example, intl part of /intl/zh-TW/index.html. default intl.
    • i18n: an optional i18n object having the same interface with i18next
      • when provided, enable i18n building with following additional features:
        • source files will be built to multiple locations based on i18n config, such as /intl/zh-TW/index.html.
        • an additional function i18n will be available during pug compilation.
          • i18n(text): translate text based on the i18n object provided.

          • language(): return current language. ( e.g., zh-TW )

          • intlbase(p, lng): return a path to given p, based on current i18n ( or specified lng arg ) setup.

            • for example, intlbase('link', 'kr') may generate /intl/kr/link, based on he base dir config.
          • additionally, a pug filter i18n is also available, which can be used like:

            span:i18n translate this text

    • noView: default false. when true, js view files ( generated to viewdir ) won't be built.
    • viewdir: default .view. a directory for storing prebuilt pug files ( in .js format )
    • bundler: default null. Auto packing will be possible only if this is provided.
  • lsc:
    • useGlslify: default false. set to true if you need glslify of lsc files.
      • NOTE this is an experiment feature and may be removed ( move to standalone builder ) in the future.
  • bundle: bundle options. includes:
    • configFile: json file storing bundle configuration. optional.
    • relativePath: use relative path for paths in config file. default false. possible values:
      • false: all files in configFile are relative to current working directory.
      • true: all files in configFile are relative to the directory containing bundle.json
      • or, specific a path as the relative root.
    • manager: block manager, optional. required for @plotdb/block bundling.
      • can be either an block.manager object, or ...
      • a function returning such object which accepts an object with following fields as parameter:
        • base: the base dir of this bundle.
    • config: bundle configuration in following format: { "css": { "name": [ ... list of files to bundle together ] }, "js": { ... } }
  • asset: for copying asset files.
    • ext: array of file extensions to copy. default ["png", "gif", "jpg", "svg", "json"]

These options are constructor options for corresponding builder, e.g., for pug builder:

new pugbuild({ i18n: ... })

When using shorthands like srcbuild.lsp(...), you can also specify corresponding option in scope, such as:

  base: '...', i18n: '...',
  pug: {intlbase: '...'}

common options will be overwritten by scoped options.

Using custom builders

Send adapters to watcher from getAdapter() of each custom builders:

require! <[@plotdb/srcbuild/dist/watch @plotdb/srcbuild/dist/ext/pug]>
pugbuilder = new pug(...)
watcher = new watch({adapters: [pugbuilder.getAdapter]})

By default, watcher watches the current working directory. Change watcher behavior with following constructor options:

  • adapters: array of adapters to use to handle file change events.
  • ignored: array of glob strings to ignore when watching for changes. by default [".git"].
  • root: directory, or array of directories to watch. by default ["."].
  • logger: optional. logger object with logging functions such as info, warn and error.

ODB / On demand build

use watch.demand(target-file) to force rebuild by request. e.g.,

require! <[srcbuild]>
watch = srcbuild.lsp!

# this triggers rebuilding of `web/src/pug/index.pug` file.
watch.demand('web/static/index.html').then -> console.log "built."

target to source file mapping is done by resolve function in custom builder, so to use on demand build, resolve must be implemented.


use srcbuild.i18n to quickly setup an i18next object:

require! <[srcbuild]>
  .then (i18n) -> srcbuild.lsp {i18n}

options is passed to i18next init function. Additional fields in options used by srcbuild.i18n:

  • enabled: true if i18n is enabled. default true

When i18n object is provided, i18n data can be used in pug files via i18n function. e.g.,

div= i18n("my-key")

will show my-key content defined in locale corresponding default.yaml:

my-key: 這是我的鍵

To use a namespaced key, add : before key. For example:

div= i18n("new-ns:another-key")

will access to another-key in new-ns.yaml. Be sure to add your namespace name in ns field of i18n option:

"i18n": { ...  "ns": ["default", "new-ns"] }

additionally, use intlbase to wrap path with a i18n based relative path:


Pug Extension

When building, we extend Pug via plugins and filters to support more features.

Pug include path

Use @ to include files in modules:

include @/ldview/dist/ldview.pug

Use @static to include files under static folder:

include @static/assets/sample.pug

Other paths starting with @ are reserved and will cause error when used.


use script and css builtin mixins to load external script and css files:

+script({name: "module-name", version: "main", path: "somefile.js"})
+css({name: "module-name", version: "main", path: "somefile.js"})

where the fields of the parameters:

  • name: module name
  • version: module version. default main, if omitted.
  • path: path of file to load. default index.min.js, if omitted.
  • defer: defer execution or not. default true if omitted.
  • async: async loading or not. default false if omitted.

By default the above script mixin generates a script tag pointing to files under /assets/lib/<name>/<version>/<path>. You can customize the /assets/lib/ by calling libLoader.root(desiredPath).

Additionally, you can also use a list of modules:

  {name: "module-a", version: "0.0.1", path: "somefile.js"},
  {name: "module-b", version: "0.2.1", path: "another.js"},
  {name: "module-c", path: "with-default-version.js"},
  {name: "module-d", version: "with.default.path" },
  {name: "with-defer-async", defer: false, async: true}
  {name: "omit-everything"},

Use the second option object to specify additional parameters, including:

  • pack: experimental deprecated default false. Enable auto packing or not.
    • if true, enable auto packing which trigger bundling automatically to a filename from md5 of all script urls.
    • require bundler option in pugbuild constructor.
    • doesn't work with external urls.
    • there are still issues about rebuilding and build from view.
    • replaced by bundle filter, which runs in compile time.
  • min: default true. When true, use minimized packed file with pack option.


Following formats and filters are supported:

  • lsc: transpile content from livescript to JavaScript.

  • stylus: transpile content from stylus to CSS.

  • md: transpile content from markdown to HTML.

  • bundle: bundle files including js, css or block. usage sample:

    :bundle(options = {type: "block", files: [ { bid }, ... ]})

JS functions

Following functions are added:

  • md(code): convert markdown to HTML.
  • yaml(path): read yaml file and return object. (tentative)
  • yamls(path): read content of yaml files under path directory. (tentative)

Additional filters / functions

There are some additional i18n filters available if properly configured. See above for more information.
