
Issue tracker for Plotly's open-source documentation.

Plotly Documentation

Maintained by Plotly

This repository is now solely used to host issues related to Plotly's documentation and the output of the Graphing Library documentation build process in the gh-pages branch.

Source code for the documentation of Plotly's open-source products can be found in the following repositories:

Library Docs Library Repo Docs Repo Notes
Dash plotly/dash plotly/dash-docs Docs delivered as a Dash app
Dash for R plotly/dashr plotly/dash-docs Docs delivered as a Dash for R app
Plotly.py plotly/plotly.py plotly/plotly.py Docs written in Jupyter Notebooks with Jupytext
Plotly.R ropensci/plotly plotly/plotly.r-docs Docs written in RMarkdown
Plotly.js plotly/plotly.js plotly/graphing-library-docs Docs written in Javascript and bundled with Jekyll