- 2
Set scatter chart marker size using coordinates
#7384 opened by hcrocker-ansys - 0
Plotly-strict - Calls to WebGLRenderingContext.clear() Trigger Warning
#7387 opened by zachchan-voltaiq - 0
Legend size is calculated incorrectly with orientation 'v', yref 'container'
#7386 opened by camdecoster - 3
Customdata missing in hoverdata in Ploly 6.0.0
#7375 opened by Hermeij - 1
Custom button to modify dragmode
#7385 opened by Liripo - 1
Strict CSP breaks bold tags in annotation text
#7380 opened by inari-mchristie - 2
Fill doesnt work when curves are of type scattegl
#7383 opened by 53r1k - 2
render contour
#7382 opened by missBlueWhite - 1
customize rendering of custom contour lines
#7378 opened by missBlueWhite - 3
check and clean up dependencies
#7362 opened by gvwilson - 1
- 1
Logarithmic colorbar in heatmaps not working as documented
#7376 opened by matinh - 1
Boxplot Category Cutoff Issues
#7374 opened by lswainemoore - 2
Bug: Exporting as HTML (New Issues as of v.3.0.1)
#7372 opened by apoha-pat - 3
- 2
Allow adding class to shapes
#7370 opened by snowPu - 2
- 1
Plotly.js 3.0.0 Webpack compatibility issue
#7361 opened by devrosch - 1
zoom-in along axes in 3d plot
#7369 opened by DavidHJong - 0
Hovertemplate should allow nil values from arrays
#7317 opened by alexcjohnson - 2
Plotly ESM broken on jsdelivr
#7322 opened by duaneatat - 0
changes required when switching from `master` to `main`
#7368 opened by gvwilson - 0
`axis.showline` does not work with `trace.zorder`
#7363 opened by emilykl - 2
"TypeError: POt.indexOf is not a function" with mode: text and type: scattergl
#7353 opened by WeisSeb - 0
Shape with dashed line appears as solid line for certain plot dimensions
#7356 opened by bioc-pedeviha - 0
Glitch when trying to display few data entries sharing only two different dates
#7354 opened by u451f - 1
- 0
- 1
Rangebreaks for linear axis type
#7345 opened by volmart - 2
Duplicate labels on parallel categories
#7339 opened by Ge0rges - 2
Documentation mismatch re: polar + bargap
#7337 opened by lswainemoore - 1
Turkish localization for numbers
#7336 opened by orhansonmeztr - 1
- 0
Fix failing noci tests
#7346 opened by marthacryan - 4
- 0
move developer docs into this repository
#7341 opened by gvwilson - 0
- 2
Plotly 3.0.0-rc.2 breaks the initial modebar hover efect
#7335 opened by Lexachoc - 0
- 1
- 0
Incorrect type error when assigning string to automargin property in LayoutAxis
#7331 opened by amrtgaber - 0
`Hovertemplate` will block the point due to the lack of `top` and `bottom` side
#7330 opened by Lexachoc - 0
Add a classname containing UID to barlayer traces too (not only scatter ones)
#7328 opened by gregdeback - 0
plotly-locale-nl-latest.js shortDays
#7326 opened by cterveen - 2
Boxplot hoverinfo/hovertext fails to take
#7318 opened by lswainemoore - 1
custom svg shape in scattergl
#7324 opened by missBlueWhite - 1
Not able to unselect some actions
#7319 opened by piyushyadav1617 - 1
node label links not working html
#7321 opened by humtn - 0
zoom broken with multiple traces with different zorder
#7320 opened by mrubioroy - 0
Shape movement does not emit plotly_relayouting event
#7316 opened by siem4