Pingus _________________________________________________________________ Introduction Pingus is a free Lemmings(tm) clone for GNU/Linux, Win32 and other operating systems supported by SDL. It is covered under the GPL, check the file COPYING, for more information. See INSTALL for generic install instructions, INSTALL.unix for instructions on how to compile and run Pingus from source on GNU/Linux and INSTALL.Win32 for Windows. Information about the game, new versions and additional documentation can be found at the Pingus webpage: * _________________________________________________________________ Mailing Lists There are currently two mailing lists available: * pingus-devel - A list for discussing development issues, like level creation or code changes, but might as well be used for user issues like how to solve levels and such * pingus-cvs - Read-only list to which all CVS commits get submitted, only intersting for developers in general For information on how to subscribe to any of these lists have a look at: _________________________________________________________________ IRC For a quick help you can try the IRC server and the channel #pingus, you can find the project maintainer (nick: grumbel) there most of the time. From time to time there will also be IRC Mettings with larger parts of the development team, once such meetings happen, they will get announced in the news section on the Pingus webpage. _________________________________________________________________ Bug Reports Questions about the game and bug reports should go to the pingus-devel lists. If you have a real bug report or want to browse the list of open bug reports you can do that at the Savannah Bug Tracker: * # EOF #