Installing NodeJS

Starting NodeJS server

sudo npm i
//apply this line only the first time starting nodejS server. // this line will install all needed packages. sudo npm start // apply everytime you want to work with it.

Flash httpServer.ino to Esp8266(Node mcu V3) via ARDUINO IDE

open WiFi hotspot for Esp8266

set ssid = AP
set password = 123456789

install Postman to see how it work.   

1.make a request

2. choose POST method and assign "localhost:8080/api/blink" this to url panel

3. click "Body" --> choose "raw" --> choose "JSON"  and put this json information below

        "led": "1",

ip_node_mcu = ip Address of Node mcu assigned by access point .
led = 1 or 0 to make led on or off.
delay = time delay (2000 = 2 sec)