BSDploy is a tool to provision, configure and maintain FreeBSD jails.
- a-skRussia, Saint-Petersburg
- aaronky
- aslakrNTNU
- bojEagle River, Alaska
- brettSan Francisco, CA, USA
- bullshitself employed
- cooljeaniusNH House of Representatives
- dcjLikeStream
- denjiKyiv, UA
- diskoGermany
- empiricalthought@Root-App
- fr8tra1nNetherlands
- gretelHensel Consulting
- HusseinMorsymorSystem GmbH
- jeremypruitt@waabi-ai
- karlpilkington
- kgaughan@Workday
- koobsAustralia
- krzysztofantczak
- lukecycaVancouver, BC
- lwhsuTaipei, Taiwan
- northoxMantor Organization
- Nukama
- polera08691
- priyadarshanSCS
- ptrfCopenhagen, Denmark
- rawzoneDenmark
- RayOfCreation
- reezerVienna
- runcomRed Hat
- taku39
- UffeJakobsen
- urosgruberSquarebox
- wrnuAutimo
- YakuluYaltik
- yamaneko1212freelance engineer