
react-native plugin for uploading files with multipart/form-data requests

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

react-native-file-transfer npm version

This little plugin lets you easily upload files from your photo library to a web server using a standard multipart/form-data POST request. It does not incorporate the tranfer of photo library images data from Objective-C to JavaScript (which is slow). The request are being made directly from Objective-C.


  1. npm install react-native-file-transfer;
  2. right click on Libraries
  3. select Add Files to ... option
  4. navigate to node_modules/react-native-file-transfer/lib/ios and add RCTFileTransfer.xcodeproj
  5. on navigator click on your project name and on Target select your project name.
  6. Select Build Phase and add RCTFileTransfer.o to your Link Binary With Libraries

how to use it

When you properly add the RCTFileTransfer.m file to your xcode project you may now use it in the js files. Example usage:

var { NativeModules } = require('react-native');
var obj = {
    uri, // either an 'assets-library' url (for files from photo library) or an image dataURL
    fileKey, // (default="file") the name of the field in the POST form data under which to store the file
    data: {
        // whatever properties you wish to send in the request
        // along with the uploaded file
NativeModules.FileTransfer.upload(obj, (err, res) => {
    // handle response
    // it is an object with 'status' and 'data' properties
    // if the file path protocol is not supported the status will be 0
    // and the request won't be made at all

pull-requests welcome