Chrome Extension generator Build Status

Maintainer: Jimmy Moon

Chrome Extension generator that creates everything you need to get started with extension development. You can choose Browser UI(Browser,Page Action, Omnibox) type and select into permissions what you need.

Getting Started

  • First make a new directory, and cd into it: mkdir my-new-chrome-extension && cd $_
  • Install the generator: npm install -g generator-chrome-extension
  • Run: yo chrome-extension, optionally passing an extension name: yo chrome-extension [extension-name]

Need more information about Chrome Extension? Please visit Google Chrome Extension Develpment


Available generators:


Sets up a new Chrome Extension, generating all the boilerplate you need to get started.


yo chrome-extension

Test Chrome Extension

To test, go to: chrome://extensions, enable Developer mode and load app as an unpacked extension.


Support for LiveReload


grunt debug

Build & Package

By default, generators compress the file that was created by building a js/css/html/resource file. You can distribute the compressed file using the Chrome Developer Dashboard to publish to the Chrome Web Store.

Run this command to build your Chrome Extension project.


grunt build


  • --skip-install

    Skips the automatic execution of bower and npm after scaffolding has finished.

  • --test-framework=[framework]

    Defaults to mocha. Can be switched for another supported testing framework like jasmine.

  • --coffee

    Add support for CoffeeScript.

  • --compass

    Add support for Compass.

WARN, Compiled files that generated by coffee or compass will be remained if your Chrome App is running on Chrome App container (with grunt debug). You should remove or ignore that files if you don't want to commit to repo.


See the contributing docs


BSD license