
I wanted to design and to deploy the database of a sharing company (Zig Zag Sharing) for the purpose of supporting the customer app. Programming Language: SQL




I wanted to design and deploy a database of sharing company for the purpose of supporting the customer app. The company has different vehicles and capacities, distributed in major Italian cities:

  1. Scooter (in script: monopattino, max 1 seats),
  2. Scooter (in script: scooter, max 2 seats)
  3. Car (in script: auto).


The vehicles are bookable through the app provided to the customer who can define their preferred city and view their ride history. In addition, the app will allow through the selection of the number of passengers to view only the appropriate vehicles, within a radius of 1km.

Vehicles can be disabled by the administration at any time for maintenance purposes by making them not visible on the customer's app.

With utente means the real people who physically interact with the service, more precisely they cannot modify its structure but they can access its contents. They have, in addition, the possibility of being able to book up to a maximum of 6 other passengers, all connected to the same customer. Of each customer we want to store his first name, last name, his email and his birthday.

With passeggero means those persons accompanied by the client, and entered by the client in the reservation itself. Each customer in his vehicle can accommodate a maximum of 6 people excluding the customer himself.

With mezzitrasporto means a device used to transport people, animals or objects.

With prenotazione means having the vehicle reserved in advance and found available at an earlier time. The reservation varies according to the number of passengers that are entered. In the case where between 2 and 6 passengers are entered, the means available is the car; in the case where exactly 1 is entered, the means available are the car and scooter. If no passenger is entered in the reservation the available means assigned will be the car, scooter or scooter.

With localita means an human settlement, extensive and stable, differing from a town or village in size, population density. The company, as previously mentioned, offers service in all major Italian cities.


The first phase of design is the conceptual phase. It is a modeling of the reality you want to represent, making the Entity-Relation Model. An Entity-Relationship Model (or ER model) describes interrelated things of interest in a specific domain of knowledge. A basic ER model is composed of entity types (which classify the things of interest) and specifies relationships that can exist between entities (instances of those entity types).



Once the conceptual phase has been completed, and the E-R model validated, we proceed to the second phase: logical design. In this phase we begin to name the tables, the fields each table should contain, and link them together.

utente User Code
Credit Card Number
passeggero User Passenger Code
Num. Passenger 1 Reservation
Num. Passenger 2 Reservation
Num. Passenger 3 Reservation
Num. Passenger 4 Reservation
Num. Passenger 5 Reservation
User Passenger Code (Ref. User: User Code)
prenotazione Reservation Code
Reservation User Code
Reservation Vehicle Code
Reservation Date
Reservation User Code (Ref. User: User Code),
Reservation Vehicle Code (Ref. Vehicle: Vehicle Code)
localita City Code
Location User Code (Ref. User: User Code)
mezzitrasporto Vehicle Code
Vehicle User Code
Vehicle Value
Vehicle User Code (Ref. User: User Code)
monopattino Monopattino Code
Monopattino Vehicle Code
Monopattino User Code
Monopattino Maintenance
Monopattino Available
Monopattino Kilometers
Monopattino Vehicle Code (Ref. Vehicle: Vehicle Code)
Monopattino User Code (Ref. Utente: User Code)
auto Car Code
Car Vehicle Code
Car User Code
Car Maintenance
Car Available
Car Kilometers
Car Vehicle Code (Ref. Vehicle: Vehicle Code)
Car User Code (Ref. Utente: User Code)
scooter Scooter Code
Scooter Vehicle Code
Scooter User Code
Scooter Maintenance
Scooter Available
Scooter Kilometers
Scooter Vehicle Code (Ref. Vehicle: Vehicle Code)
Scooter User Code (Ref. Utente: User Code)


A physical data model is a database-specific model that represents relational data objects (for example, tables, columns, primary and foreign keys) and their relationships.
