
Scripts to prepare the CNN/DailyMail dataset, to anonymise & un-anonymise it

Primary LanguagePython

(Anon) CNN/DailyMail Processing

This dataset is used and described in Nallapati (2016) for abstractive text summarization. It is called "anonymized" since it uses tags instead of named entity.

Getting started


  • Get StanfordCoreNLP tool: ./get_corenlp.sh
  • Install Python requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Get the data from the official link.
    • you need to get both "Questions" and "Stories" for both CNN and DailyMail: total: 4 archives (cnn.tgz, dailymail.tgz, cnn_stories.tgz, dailymail_stories.tgz)
    • put everything in a sub-folder ./data
    • extract it tar -xvzf cnn.tgz etc...
    • You must have the following file tree:

Process the data

  • set the classpath: source load_corenlp.sh (it supposes that you have corenlp in the current folder)
  • run the processing script: ./process.py -d ./data -o ./processed -c ./stanford-corenlp
    • NOTE: It may take quite a long time (~60mins)

You will get all the output in the processed directory, in particular, 3 sub-directory training/, validation/, test/, and in each:

  • stories: file with one "story" per line (i.e. the source text)
  • highlights: file with one "highlight" per line (i.e. summary, the reference)
  • entities: file with one path per line, that corresponds to the entity file associated with the training pair.
  • a lot of .entities file that contains entities mapping for each training pair.

Replace tags by original text

After training/inference, you will get text files with @entity tags. You can use unanonymize.py in order to replace those tags with the corresponding entities.

./unanonymize.py [-h] -f FILE -fl ENTITIES_FILE_LIST -d ENTITIES_DIR -o OUTPUT
  • FILE: your prediction file with tags, with 1 sequence per line.
  • ENTITIES_FILE_LIST: the file with entities files path (produced in the process step)
  • ENTITIES_DIR: the directory containing .entities files.
  • OUTPUT: filepath for output (i.e. full text)

Calculate ROUGE score

(I use files2rouge to calculate ROUGE scores)

Since the dataset is anonymised one can calculate scores between anon files (with tags) or with full text (must be higher).

Considering you have:

  • predictions (anonymised prediction)
  • predictions.unan (unanonymised)
  • test/highlights (test anon reference)
  • test/highlights.unan

You can get:

  • Anon scores:
files2rouge ./predictions test/highlights -s scores
  • Full text scores:
files2rouge ./predictions.unan test/highlights.unan -s scores.unan