
Ext-Oracle Summarization: extractive summarization that maximize ROUGE w.r.t. target

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Ext-Oracle Summarization: extractive upper-bound by selecting sentences that maximizes ROUGE-2 score with respect to the target.


  • from sources:
git clone https://github.com/pltrdy/extoracle_summarization
cd extoracle
pip install .

Generating Oracle summary from files (source, target)

extoracle source.txt target.txt -method greedy -output oracle.txt


extoracle -h 
usage: Ext-Oracle Summarization [-h] [-method {greedy,combination}]
                                [-length LENGTH] [-length_oracle]
                                [-output OUTPUT] [-trunc TRUNC]
                                source target
Ext-Oracle Summarization: error: the following arguments are required: source, target


  • Paper: Ext-Oracle is discussed, and measured again summarization datasets in Narayan (2018)
  • Code: this repository uses code from nlpyang/BertSum (Apache 2.0).