
A library for accessing EVE online's ESI api.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A library for accessing EVE online's ESI api.

Getting Started


Get the latest version on nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Eve-OpenApi/

Install-Package Eve-OpenApi -Version 0.3.5

Get AspNet core support: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Eve-OpenApi.DpendencyInjection/

Install-Package Eve-OpenApi.DpendencyInjection -Version 0.3.5


Create a EveLogin

Eve-OpenAPI does not require a client secret as it uses the new v2 authorization. It will autmaticly generate a code challenge and a verifier. Read more at https://github.com/esi/esi-docs.

string ClientID = "your eve developer client id";
string Callback = "client callback url";
string Scope = "esi scopes separated by a space";

EveLogin login = await EveLogin.Login(Scope, ClientID, Callback);

If you need alternative ways to give the user the auth URL, for example on servers.

string ClientID = "your eve developer client id";
string Callback = "client callback url";
string Scope = "esi scopes separated by a space";

EveLogin login = await EveLogin.Create(ClientID, Callback);
string AuthUrl = await login.Authenticate(Scope);

// Do whatever you want withe URL, here i open it in the browser

Or alternativly if you want to load from a save file.

string FilePath = "path to your save file";

ILogin login = await EveLogin.FromFile(FilePath);

Save EveLogin

There is two ways to save a EveLogin. The SaveToFile method automaticly writes it to a file, if you want more control you can use the ToJson method.

// Let EveLogin handle file manipulation
string FilePath = "path to your save file";

// Do it yourself
string json = await login.ToJson(FilePath);

Create a SeatLogin

// SeAT code must be obtained by your seat administrator and must be specific for your IP.
ILogin login = new SeatLogin("Your SeAT key here");

Setup ESI specific API

It is reccomended that you always give a UserAgent, then CCP is less likely to remove your access to ESI. This library will not work without one.

ApiConfig config = new ApiConfig {
  UserAgent = "Your user agent",

// When you create the ESI interface you must specify both version and datasource, Eve-OpenaAPI will then automaticly downlad the spec for that version.
API api = await API.CreateEsi(EsiVersion.Latest, Datasource.Tranquility, login, client, config);

Setup API

ApiConfig config = new ApiConfig {
  UserAgent = "Your user agent",

// Connect the API interface to an arbitrary api.
API api = API.Create("Specification URL", config: config);

// If the API require authentication you can pass in the login as the second argument, like for example ESI or SeAT.
API api = API.Create("Specification URL", login, config: config);

Retrive data from API interface

This example is shown using ESI but the interface works the same way for all API's.

// First you must select a path, this path will be validated to make sure you are using the right EsiVersion
ApiPath path = esi.Path("/characters/{character_id}/mail/");

ApiResponse response = await path.Get("Character Name", ("character_id", "character id"));

// If you have a class for the response you can also specify that in the request.
ApiResponse<T> response = await path.Get<T>("Character Name", ("character_id", "character id"));

// If you want to do a batch request to for multiple characters use GetBatch
List<object> characterIDs = new List<object>() {"character id", "character id"};
Lis<ApiResponse<T>> response = await path.GetBatch<T>("Character Name", ("character_id", characterIDs));

EVE Online © 2019 CCP hf.