
Provides pre built binaries to zopfli and brotli

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version

Ships zopfli and brotli binaries


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'compression-binaries'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install compression-binaries


After installing that tool, the bro executable should be in your path:

bundle exec bro --version

Current Version

bro: v0.5.2 (11 Aug 2016) zopfli: 1.0.1 (22 Aug 2015)

Integration with Rails asset pipeline (Sprockets)

Add that snippet to Rakefile or to lib/tasks/assets.rake. Running rake assets:precompile will also generate .br und .gz (Zopfli) files.

namespace :assets do
  task :gzip => :environment do
    logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
    asset_root = Rails.root.join('public', 'assets')
    zopfli_iterations = 20
    Dir["#{asset_root}/**/*.{js,css,html,svg}"].each do |asset|
      gz_asset_name = "#{asset}.br"
      next if File.exist? gz_asset_name
      sh "bro --input #{asset} --output #{gz_asset_name}"
      sh "zopfli -i#{zopfli_iterations} #{asset}"

Rake::Task['assets:precompile'].enhance { Rake::Task['assets:gzip'].invoke }

Update 3rd party instructions

git submodules init
git submodules update

cd brotli
git fetch
git checkout vSOMEBRANCH

cd ../zopfli
git fetch
git checkout vSOMEBRANCH
  • Copy over the binaries in brotli/bin/bro to the correct architecture in libexec.

  • Copy over the binaries in zopfli/zopfli to the correct architecture in libexec.

  • Commit changes to submodules & libexec binaries

  • Do that step twice, once on a linux (64bit) and OSX/Darwin machine

  • 32bit version: There is a Dockerfile to make a quick 32bit env.

Run rake run_docker

cd /build/zopfli/ && make && cp /build/zopfli/zopfli /build/libexec/zopfli-linux-x86
cd /build/brotli/ && make && cp /build/brotli/bin/bro /build/libexec/bro-linux-x86


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.