
Simple Listing classes for you rails actions. Filterable, sortable, paginatable.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This gem provides easy listing objects for your ActiveRecord relations.


Usually application listings have are sortable, filterable and can be paginated. I need an easy straightforward way to write flexible filters and sortings for my app, so I created this gem.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'simple_listing_rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install simple_listing_rails


Minimal required code

First of all you need to define a listing class. E.g.

class UserListing < SimpleListing::Standard

and then use it in your controller with "perform" function:

def index
  @users = UserListing(User.all, params).perform

Now you can add some filters or sortings declaration to your class.


Simple "equal" filters

You can add strict match filter to your listing class with only one line:

class UserListing < SimpleListing::Standard
  filterable_by :first_name, :last_name, :email

filterable_by will perform "=" comparision with corresponding value in DB.

Custom filters

If you need your own custom filter with custom logic you can use filter_by function:

class UserListing < SimpleListing::Standard
  filter_by :email, lambda { |scope, value, listing|
    scope.where("email LIKE ?", "%#{value}")

filter_by accepts filtering key and lambda-function with your own custom logic. As you see lambda accepts 3 arguments and MUST return a scope.

Keep in mind that "value" parameter can be a hash, so you can create complex filters e.g.:

class UserListing < SimpleListing::Standard
  filter_by :age, lambda { |scope, value, listing|
    scope.where("age > :min AND age < :max", value)

Filters configuration

By default simple_listing pulls filters data from "params[:filters]". If you need to change params key you can do it so by calling "config" function

class UserListing < SimpleListing::Standard
  config filter_params_key: :my_filters

In case you need completely different behavior you can override "filter_params" function in your listing class.

See more details in source code.


Simple sorting by DB field

You can add sortings to your listing class with only one line:

class UserListing < SimpleListing::Standard
  sortable_by :first_name, :last_name, :email

Custom sorting

If you need your own custom sorting with custom logic you can use sort_by function:

class UserListing < SimpleListing::Standard
  sort_by :email, lambda { |scope, direction, listing|
    scope.order("CONCAT(first_name, last_name) #{direction}")

sort_by accepts sorting key and lambda-function with your own custom logic. As you see lambda accepts 3 arguments and MUST return a scope.

Sorters configuration

By default simple_listing pulls sorting data from "params[:sort_by]" and "params[:sort_dir]". If you need to change params keys you can do it so by calling "config" function

class UserListing < SimpleListing::Standard
  config sort_by_param_key: :sind, sort_direction_param_key: :sord

See more details in source code.

Customizing your listings

In rare case when you want to remove sorting or filtering ability from your listing you can always inherit from "SimpleListing::Base" class and include only modules you need.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/pluff/simple_listing_rails/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request