
πŸ”ͺ🩸🐐 semver aware package manager for neovim

Primary LanguageFennelMIT LicenseMIT

pact.nvim logo


pact [pakt]

An agreement, covenant, or compact.

pact is a semver focused, pessimistic plugin manager for Neovim.


pact.nvim demo

Preview Pact in a Container

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rktjmp/pact.nvim/master/Containerfile | \
  podman build -t pact-nvim -f - .
podman run -it pact-nvim
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rktjmp/pact.nvim/master/Containerfile | \
  docker build -t pact-nvim -f - .
docker run -it pact-nvim


pact is beta, things might change, be sure to check for breaking changes with =!

pact requires Neovim 0.8+.

To automatically install pact,

-- in your init.lua
local pact_path = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/site/pack/pact/start/pact.nvim'
if vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.glob(pact_path)) > 0 then
  print("Could not find pact.nvim, cloning new copy to", pact_path)
    '--depth', '1',
    '--branch', 'v0.0.8',
  vim.cmd("helptags " .. pact_path .. "/doc")

And somewhere in your configuration,

local pact = require("pact")
local github = pact.github
github("rktjmp/pact.nvim", ">= 0.0.0")

Then run :Pact to open pact (and probably update pact).

Making Pacts

pact currently provides the following forge shortcuts:

  • github
  • gitlab
  • sourcehut (alias: srht)

As well as the agnostic git function.

These functions should be called with a source argument (generally user/repo for forges, or https/ssh://... for git) and either a string that describes a semver constraint (~ 3.0.1) or a table containing options such as branch, tag, commit, verson, as well as after, etc. See :h pact-api-git for a description of supported options.

local p = require("pact")
p.github("rktjmp/hotpot.nvim", "~ 0.5.0")
p.github("rktjmp/lush.nvim", {branch = "main",
                              after = "sleep 2"})
p.github("rktjmp/pact.nvim", {version = "> 0.0.0",
                              after = function(p)
                                p.yield("running long command")
                                p.run("sleep", {"2"})
                                return "all ok!"
p.git("https://tpope.io/vim/fugitive.git", {name = "fugitive",
                                            tag = "v3.7"})
(let [{: github : git} (require :pact)]
  (github :rktjmp/hotpot.nvim "~ 0.5.0")
  (github :rktjmp/lush.nvim {:branch :main
                             :after "sleep 2"})
  (github :rktjmp/pact.nvim {:version :>0.0.0
                             :after (fn [{: yield : run}]
                                    (yield "running some long command")
                                    (run :sleep [:2])
                                    "all ok!")})
  (git :https://tpope.io/vim/fugitive.git {:name :fugitive :tag :v3.7}))

Running the command :Pact will open the pact interface, which is losely familar to fugitive. It's usage is detailed at the bottom of the buffer.

You may also open pact in your own (non-split) window by passing win and buf options to open, see :h pact-api.

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>P", function()
    win = 0,
    buf = 0,
    concurrency_limit = 10
(vim.keymap.set :n :<leader>P #(let [{: open} (require :pact)]
                                (open {:win 0 :buf 0 :concurrency-limit 10})))


  • pact only suports unix systems.
  • pact uses git tags to detect plugin versions. Remote repositories must correctly tag their releases with as either v<major>.<minor>.<patch> or <major>.<minor>.<patch>, partial versioning is not supported (i.e <major>.<minor>).
  • Pinned commits must be given in full, as we are unable to fetch or remotely inspect partial hashes.
  • pact can not guess a repositories "primary branch" (i.e main or master), you must explicitly define it when pinning to a branch.


Expect things to mostly improve, sometimes change.


Articles, clauses, privisos

Pact makes the following assumptions:

  • semver versions are tagged in the package repo
    • tags are either "vn.n.n" or "n.n.n"
    • version can be any of >, >=, =, <, <=, ^ and ~.
    • Ranges and boolean operations are not supported.
    • Pre-release versions (the alpha in v1.2.3-alpha) are not currently supported.
    • Should be given as <operator> <version> or <operator><version.

See Also

  • paq-nvim, used as a reference for a tiny, no-fuss package manager.