
TCPLS implementation using a TLS 1.3 implementation in C (master supports RFC8446 as well as draft-26, -27, -28) -- Published in ACM CoNEXT'21 -- Best Community Award

Primary LanguageC


Picotcpls is a fork of picotls, a TLS 1.3 (RFC 8446) protocol stack written in C, with the following features:

  • From picotls:
  • picotcpls builds on the top of picotls:
    • API to deal with a novel TCP extensibility mechanism
      • Allows setting and configuring the peer's TCP stack for our connections
      • Can inject BPF bytecode to the peer to set a new congestion control mechanism
      • Essentially any TCP socket option (a few are supported so far)
    • QUIC-like streams
    • A wrapper and API to handle network connections, streams, etc.
    • 1-RTT initial handshake, 0-RTT Join handshake, 0-RTT successive handshakes
    • Application-level Connection Migration: seamless transfer from one network to another without goodput loss and easily managed from the Application with the handshake and Stream APIs.
    • Two Multipath modes:
      • Pure aggregation over all streams
      • Independently ordered streams, potentially over different TCP connections (useful against HoL blocking and efficient bandwidth aggregation of independent application-level objects sent in their own stream)
    • An optional on/off Failover mechanism: a kind of automatic connection migration in case of network failure. Can make TCPLS's session resist middlebox interference such as blackholing the packets or sending a spurious TCP RST, or a phone losing its Wi-Fi ...
    • Authenticated connection closing

picotcpls is a research-level implementation of TCPLS, a novel cross-layer extensibility mechanism for TCP designed to offer a fine-grained control of the transport protocol to the application layer. The mere existence of this research comes from several observations:

  • Since Let's Encrypt's success, TLS is now massively deployed, and we should not expect unsecure TCP connections to occur over untrusted networks anymore.
  • TCP suffers from severe extensibility issues caused by middlebox interferences, lack of space in its header and the difficulty to propagate new implementation features
  • There is a performance gap between what some application usage get (e.g., web), and what they could expect to get with proper configuration of the transport layer to match their usage of the network.

The goal of TCPLS is threefold:

  • Providing a simple API to the application for potentially complex transport layer operations (e.g., connection migration or multipathing)
  • Showing that alternative extensibility mechanisms can be powerful
  • Showing the quest for maximum Web performance with QUIC can be matched by TCPLS, or even improved under several metrics.

/!\ There are probably many bugs left, and the API may evolve over time. Use it for fun and experiments /!\

Like picotls, the implementation of picotcpls is licensed under the MIT license.

If you use this code within an academic publication, please cite the following papers:

  author = {Rochet, Florentin and Assogba, Emery and Piraux, Maxime and Edeline, Korian and Donnet, Benoit and Bonaventure, Olivier},
  title = {TCPLS: Modern Transport Services with TCP and TLS},
  year = {2021},
  isbn = {9781450390989},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3485983.3494865},
  doi = {10.1145/3485983.3494865},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies},
  pages = {45–59},
  numpages = {15},
  keywords = {TCP, multipath TCP, transport protocols, TLS},
  location = {Virtual Event, Germany},
  series = {CoNEXT '21}
  author = {Rochet, Florentin and Assogba, Emery and Bonaventure, Olivier},
  title = {TCPLS: Closely Integrating TCP and TLS},
  year = {2020},
  isbn = {9781450381451},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3422604.3425947},
  doi = {10.1145/3422604.3425947},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks},
  pages = {45–52},
  numpages = {8},
  keywords = {tcpls, extensibility, cross-layer, transport layer},
  location = {Virtual Event, USA},
  series = {HotNets '20}

Building picotcpls

If you have cloned picotcpls from git then ensure that you have initialised the submodules:

% git submodule update --init
% sudo apt-get install faketime libscope-guard-perl libtest-tcp-perl

Build using cmake:

% cmake .
% make
% make check

Usage documentation


This is an overview of an ongoing research and development project. Many things are missing and some features may change in the future. The current description is intended to provide an intuition of the potential usefulness TCPLS.

Initializing the Context

picotcpls currently use picotls's context. First, follow the guideline provided by picotls's wiki to manipulate a ptls_context_t ctx to setup SSL. This context is meant to be a static attribute common to many TCPLS connections; hence its configuration is supposed to be common to all of them.

Regarding TCPLS, client and server must advertise support for TCPLS. In our implementation, this exchange of information is going to be triggered by setting

ctx.support_tcpls_options = 1

The TLS handshake is designed to only expose the information that we're doing TCPLS, but not how exactly we configure the new TLS/TCP stack, for which the information is private to a passive observer (assuming no side-channels).

Managing the Connection Object

Similarly to picotls, we offer a creation and a destruction function. The tcpls_new function takes as argument a ptls_context_t* and a boolean value indicating whether the connection is server side or not.

tcpls_t *tcpls = tcpls_new(&ctx, is_server);

The application is responsible for freeing its memory, using tcpls_free(tcpls) when the connection wants to be closed.

A tcpls connection may have multiple addresses and streams attached to them. Addresses require to be added first if we expect to use them for a TCPLS connection.

Adding addresses

picotcpls supports both v4 and v6 IP addresses, which the application can advertize by calling

tcpls_add_v4(ptls_t *tls, struct sockaddr_in *addr, int is_primary, int settopeer, int is_ours)


tcpls_add_v6(ptls_t *tls, struct sockaddr_in6 *addr, int is_primary, int settopeer, int is_ours).

is_primary sets this address as the default. settopeer tells TCPLS to announce this address to the peer. If this connection is a server-side connection, and if this function is called before the handshake, then TCPLS will send this address as part of a new EncryptedExtension. The client application is advertised of the new address through a connection event mechanism that we will discuss below.

If this function is called before the handshake and the connection is client-side, then the information will be sent as part of the first data sent during this connection. This restriction is designed to avoid making more entropy for fingerprinting, avoiding the client-side handshake to look different depending on the number of encrypted addresses advertized.

If these functions are called after the handshake, then the application can either call tcpls_send_tcpoption to send addresses right away or wait the next exchange of application-level data, in which new addresses will be also included.

Connecting with multiple addresses

picotcpls provides tcpls_connect(ptls_t *tls, struct sockaddr *src, struct sockaddr *dest, struct timeval *timeout) to initiate TCP connections to the server. The bi-partite graph connection can be made explicit by calling several times tcpls_connect. For example, assuming that both the client and the server have a v4 and v6:

tcpls_connect(tls, src_v4, dest_v4, NULL);
tcpls_connect(tls, src_v6, dest_v6, timeout);

spawns two TCP connections between the two pairs of addresses, for which the second tcpls_connect waits until all are connected or the timeout fired. TCPLS monitors how fast those connection connected and automatically sets as primary the fastest. Callbacks events are triggered when a connection succeeded, and the application may know which addresses are usable to attach streams, and which ones may require to call tcpls_connect again in case the timeout fired.

Note that this design allows the application to implement various connectivity policies, such as happy eyeball with a timeout1 of 50ms:

if (tcpls_connect(tls, src_v4, dest_v4, timeout1) > 0)
   tcpls_connect(tls, src_v6, dest_v6, timeout2);

This code instructs TCPLS to connect to the IPv4 and use it if the connection is successful under 50ms. If it is not, it tries the v6 and then set as primary the fastest of the two (assuming both connected in the second call).

Setting src and dest to NULL would make tcpls_connect tries a full mesh TCP connections between all addresses added with tcpls_add_v4 and tcpls_add_v6.
Setting only src to NULL makes tcpls_connect uses the default system's routing rules to select a src address.

New connections can be made at any time of the initial connection lifetime and may offer to the application an easy interface to deal with application-level migrations (or let TCPLS automatically handle failover in case of failure) or aggregation of bandwidth with multipathing at any point of the connection lifetime.


picotcpls offers a wrapper around picotls's interactive handshake (ptls_handshake):

tcpls_handshake(ptls_t *tls, ptls_handshake_properties_t *properties);

this function waits until either the TLS handshake completed or an error occured. It may also triggers various callbacks depending on events occuring in the handshake.

properties defines handshake configurations that the client and server can use to modify the TCPLS handshake, such as the connection in which the handshake takes place (in case of multiple connections).

In case of multiple connections (using multiple addresses), a first complete handshake must have occured over a chosen connection configured with the properties. Note, if properties == NULL then the handshake is performed over the primary connection. Then, to be able to use the other connected addresses, you must perform a JOIN TCPLS handshake by configuring the appropriate connection id within the properties and set proprties->client.mpjoin = 1, and then call tcpls_handshake() for each of the desired connection id.

Server-side, if multiple addresses are announced to the client during the hanshake, the server must perform any next tcpls_handshake() with a configured mpjoin callback int (*received_mpjoin_to_process)(int socket, uint8_t *sessid, uint8_t *cookie)

properties->received_mpjoin_to_process = &my_function;

TCPLS will pass the sessid of the TCPLS session corresponding to the received JOIN, alongside the received one-time cookie and the socket in which this MPJOIN handshake was received. In this case tcpls_handshake() will return PTLS_ERROR_HANDSHAKE_IS_MPJOIN to indicate the server that this handshake wasn't from a new client. The server can then call tcpls_accept(tcpls_t *tcpls, int socket, uint8_t *cookie, unint32_t transportid) assuming it stored a mapping between sessid and tcpls_t*. This function would properly link the TCP connection to the given tcpls session if the cookie is valid.

Handshake properties

A set of handshake properties can be configured, which influences the behaviour of tcpls_handshake() such as connecting in 1-RTT TCP+TLS or joining an existing connection, etc.

TCPLS initial 1-RTT

properties->client.zero_rtt must be set to 1 prior to calling tcpls_handshake. Besides, no connection should have been already established over the link in which the tcpls handshake is about to take place. This option makes TCPLS use TCP's TFO to send/receive the ClientHello/ServerHello.

Adding / closing streams

The API allows the application to attach streams to connections (note, src and dest would further be replaced by a transport connection wrapper). If no streams are created, TCPLS will send a control message alongside the first bytes of application data sent with tcpls_send

streamid_t tcpls_stream_new(tcpls_t *tcpls, struct sockaddr *src, struct sockaddr *dest)

Streams need to be attached before we can use them:

int tcpls_streams_attach(tcpls_t *tcpls, streamid_t streamid, int sendnow)

streamid being the streamid in which the control message will be sent; leave to 0 for default.

Then, TCPLS would close the underlying transport connection when no streams are attached anymore. When calling

tcpls_stream_close(tcpls_t *tls, streamid_t streamid, int sendnow),

To close the stream, 2 control messages are exchanged: a STREAM_CLOSE is sent to the peer, which answers with a STREAM_CLOSE_ACK. When received the STREAM_CLOSE_ACK, TCPLS eventually also close the TCP connection if no other streams are attached. Callbacks for a STREAM_CLOSE are triggered when the stream is dettached (when it is ACKED, or when the STREAM_CLOSE is received).


Multipath can be seamlessly enabled by opening streams on different destinations of the same TCPLS connection. There is two multipath modes. One that gives a global ordering for all stream data, such that you can schedule your application data in any stream. One that gives independent streams of ordered data.

To enable the global ordering, both the client and the server have to set it on the tcpls object:


Sending over the different streams would make the TCPLS aggregates the bandwith of the different TCP connection, assuming the internal reordering buffer does not reach its size limit (currently unspecified; i.e., can potentially eat all your memory if a connection is much slower than the other).

If tcpls->enable_multipath=0 is configured on both peer, the you must take care of sending a application-level object within the same stream, since ordering is only guaranteed per-stream. This is more efficient is some context, but require a bit more work at the application layer.

The current implementation logic is to make the sender multipath aware, and the receiver agnostic. That is, the only control the receiver has on the multipath notion is from the scheduler used when calling tcpls_receive. This scheduler can be set by the receiver with a function pointer in tcpls->schedule_receive. By default, a round robin between internal connections is used. If you want to write your scheduler, you need to dive a bit in rsched.c. Basically, you just need to call one TCPLS internal function, and understand a bit TCPLS's inner working with connections.

Sending / receiving data

TCPLS gives a simple tcpls_send and tcpls_receive interface to exchange data.

Sending data

size_t tcpls_send(tcpls_t *tcpls, streamid_t streamid, const void *input, size_t nbytes)

returns the number of bytes sent (counting the TLS overhead).

Receiving data

int tcpls_receive(ptls_t *tls, tcpls_buffer_t *buffer, struct timeval *tv)


TCPLS_HOLD_DATA_TO_READ means that there is more than nbytes directly available. TCPLS_HOLD_OUT_OF_ORDER_DATA_TO_READ means that TCPLS hold some out of order data that we expect eventually be available to read. TCPLS_OK means that we have nothing more left.

All available data is put within buffer. tcpls_buffer_t is a special type that you need to handle differently depending on the multipath mode. If you choose to have aggregated bandwidth, then you must pass a buffer created with tcpls_aggr_buffer_new(). The current number of bytes within such a buffer can be reached with buffer->decryptbuf->off, and the pointer to the first byte is at buffer->decryptbuf->base.

If you choose to have independant paths (i.e., non-aggregated multipath), then you need to your buffer to be created with tcpls_stream_buffers_new(). After calling tcpls_receive(), you may know which of your stream buffers contain new bytes by looking into the list:


streamid_t *streamid;
ptls_buffer_t *decryptbuf;
for (int i = 0; i < buffer->wtr_streams->size; i++) {
  streamid = list_get(buffer->wtr_streams, i);
  /* This give you the buffer linked to your stream streamid */
  decryptbuf = tcpls_get_stream_buffer(buffer, *streamid);
  /* first byte: decryptbuf->base; number of bytes: decryptbuf->off */

You do not need to care about the capacity of the buffer. When you have consumed some bytes from them, change decryptbuf->off accordingly (i.e., the memory will be overwritten at the next tcpls_receive call). If you do not touch decrytbuf->off, tcpls will keep appending data in the buffer.

tv is a timeout which tells tcpls_receive how much time it must wait at most for a read() sys call. Setting NULL tells tcpls not to wait.

Handling events

Several callbacks might be configured for events such as:

  • JOIN


Code examples


Using the cli command

Run the test server (at

% ./cli -t -T perf -c /path/to/certificate.pem -k /path/to/private-key.pem 8443

Connect to the mtest server:

% ./cli -t -T perf 8443

A few more tests with IPMininet

IPMininet is a wrapper extension to Mininet to support further complex networks. After installing it, you may use the testing network from t/ipmininet/test_network_2paths.py.

% cd t/ipmininet && sudo python test_network_2paths.py

It boots a network composed of a two hosts connected through two disjoint IPv4 and IPv6 paths. From the Mininet CLI interface, get two terminals typing

xterm c s

It gives you two xterm terminals, one for the client c, one for the server s. You may now run different tests:

On serveur:

./run_test_server_simple_transfer.sh enable_failover

On client:

./run_test_client_simple_transfer.sh enable_failover

would simply transfer a 60MiB file between the hosts on the fastest path. enable_failover is a 0/1 value to let you play with the feature (e.g., try to send a TCP RST from one of the routers).

Other tests are available:

./run_test_[server/client]_multipath.sh runs two application-level connect migration during the transfer.

./run_test_[server/client]_aggregation.sh starts the connection on one stream, then join after a few MB of transfer with another stream attached to the other IP path to aggregate the bandwidth.

./run_test_[server/client]_zerortt.sh a simple TCPLS handshake with 0-RTT TCP. It gives a 1-RTT initial connection establishment like QUIC. (you may need to use sysctl turn on TFO on your system).

Note that further connection establishments can also be 0-RTT like QUIC, at the price of no forward secrecy. We just miss a test for that scenario :-)


The software is provided under the MIT license. Note that additional licences apply if you use the minicrypto binding (see above).