- 0
issue with satisfaction survey reminders only being sent once despite being configured for 1 per day over 3 days
#49 opened by jupapoloima - 0
- 0
default value for note questions
#47 opened by ftoledo - 4
Not sure how to use
#35 opened by NazarovRoman - 0
Export result
#46 opened by tguichard25 - 2
Installation failure
#24 opened by juliosw - 2
500 Internal Server Error
#27 opened by adrielgama - 1
Update error
#30 opened by 47989154385 - 2
- 1
how to view full survey results ?
#43 opened by AtoWeb - 1
New feature: Reply without authentication
#34 opened by joanderson83 - 1
Invalid relations declared between "glpi_consumableitems" and "glpi_plugin_consumables_options" table. Target field "consumables_id" is not a foreign key field of "ConsumableItem". in /opt/glpi/src/DbUtils.php at line 2159
#42 opened by NazarovRoman - 1
Where is the survey ?
#44 opened by Grazouillis - 2
Display button
#36 opened by EORIS-SUPPORT - 1
Plugin - Mais Relatórios
#33 opened by ppsnetto - 2
new feature : Replace Standard satisfaction
#16 opened by tdelaux - 0
New type list ?
#29 opened by brice-paccoud-piroux - 1
Do not display the "comments" field by default
#28 opened by phamorais - 1
Drop down: yesno
#19 opened by juliosw - 1
smiley instead of stars
#14 opened by kanzari2006 - 0
Satisfaction Question in Global View
#6 opened by ThomasRavail - 1
Tag ##satisfaction.answer##
#13 opened by iamme007 - 0
Error PHP in notification
#11 opened by amma35 - 2
Tags don't work
#12 opened by iamme007 - 3
- 1
- 0
Adding a default value for notes
#7 opened by amma35 - 0
#5 opened by amma35 - 1
- 1
Version 9.2.2
#2 opened by mrcssilvasouza - 3
- 0
9.1 plugin update & functionality added
#1 opened by amma35