
Plugwise features loria extra entities

Closed this issue · 104 comments

Describe the solution you are looking for

Plugwise has released 2 features for the loria duo. The specific loria duo feature and the cooling feature.
Loria feature

this allows the heating of the boiler water and also coolingfunction to be controlled. as well as some additional features.
it would be nice if these features could be included as an entity in home assistant

Is your feature request related to a problem? (optional)

Not related to a problem

What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant Core

How did you install plugwise-beta?

Cloned from GitHub

What kind of Plugwise device is having issues?

Smile: Anna

What firmware version is your Plugwise product at?


Your setup

Anna with Loria feature and cooling feature for Loria

Additional context


@Wishdoc thanks for your request. We were not in contact with a Loria owner yet :)

The coming v0.27.0-release of plugwise-beta should support the Loria cooling feature. This support was implemented with the help of Plugwise. Please install and test this release when it becomes available (soon).

For your request, please provide the xml-data from your system as described here:

Please send the xml-files to "bouwe at westerdijk point info" (please use a proper email-address format :) )

Hi, I installed the latest version. And unfortunately the cooling is not working yet. see attached screenshot for the message

there doesn't seem to be a switch for turning on the cooling either. also added a screenshot of the entitiesimage

@Wishdoc which other options do you see under "Werking"?


Both cooling as auto I tried but don't work

Ok, that clarifies it, this is not for switching to cooling, it is for switching between auto ( = schedule mode) and non-schedule mode (= koelen or verwarmen). I need to fix the code so that only auto and verwarmen or auto and koelen are shown.

Many Core users are confused by this :)

@Wishdoc please update to plugwise-beta v0.30.a1 (make it visible in HACS via Plugwise Beta custom component --> 3 vertical dots --> Redownload --> toggle Show Beta to on) and test.

There should be a Cooling switch, there should be a DHW mode selector and under "Werking" there should only be two options: auto and verwarmen, or auto and koelen.

Please toggle the Cooling switch and select a few DHW modes to see if everything works correctly.

If there's anything out of order, please let me know.

Hi Bouwe,

I have installed the update. with heating I do indeed have auto and heating. when i switch on cooling i have cooling and auto. both heating and cooling function well! I assume the Auto feature is on a schedule? I haven't tested this yet.

the dhw modes do not function correctly yet. the mode which is active by on the heat pump is displayed, however it is not possible to switch to another mode. see the print screen for this. setting maximum water temperature is working properly. I can't find the current water temperature (boiler) yet?image

so much progress has already been made👌

@Wishdoc Thanks for the feedback, there is good progress I see :)

Regarding the select error, is there any detailed information in the LOGBOEK that can help me to find the cause of the error?

Out of the logfile:

Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: custom_components/plugwise/
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 16:00:42 (17 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:53:04

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/", line 200, in handle_call_service
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 1738, in async_call
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 1775, in _execute_service
await cast(Callable[[ServiceCall], Awaitable[None]],
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 204, in handle_service
await service.entity_service_call(
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 676, in entity_service_call
future.result() # pop exception if have
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 931, in async_request_call
await coro
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 713, in _handle_entity_call
await result
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/select/", line 54, in async_select_option
await entity.async_select_option(option)
File "/config/custom_components/plugwise/", line 129, in async_select_option
await self.entity_description.command(
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/plugwise/", line 797, in set_dhw_mode
await self._request(uri, method="put", data=data)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/plugwise/", line 301, in _request
return await self._request_validate(resp, method)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/plugwise/", line 252, in _request_validate
raise ResponseError

Deze fout is ontstaan door een aangepaste integratie.

Logger: plugwise.constants
Source: custom_components/plugwise/
Integration: Plugwise Beta (documentation)
First occurred: 16:00:42 (17 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:53:04

Smile response empty or error in 400 Bad Request Resource path for URI '/appliances;id=bfb5ee0a88e14e5f97bfa725a760cc49/actuator_functionalities/domestic_hot_water_mode_control_functionality' is invalid: 'actuator_functionalities' not expected at position 3.

Logger: frontend.js.latest.202209072
Source: components/system_log/
First occurred: 15:27:33 (11 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:53:11

:0:0 Script error.

the functionality was still disabled after the update. it manually enabled and updated.

Ah yes, now I remember, I was not sure about the exact data to put in the PUT/POST-request the is part of the select-option.

Are you able to capture http-traffic using Wireshark or some similar software?
If you can change the dhw_mode on the Anna via a computer with Wireshark installed, you will be able to capture the command sent from your computer to the Anna. I can then update the plugwise code based on what you have captured.

Just installed wireshark. If you can tell me what to do.

Ok great.

  1. Configure Wireshark for the correct wired or wireless interface
  2. Open the Anna website in a browser: http://<anna_ip_address>
  3. Find in Instellingen when you can change the DHW-mode
  4. Start Wireshark, you should already see traffic-messages pass by in the Wireshark window.
  5. Change the DHW-mode and press Save
  6. Stop the caputuring of Wireshark.
  7. Find the corresponding line, it should be a PUT or a POST command.

I see this when I change the regulation-mode on my Adam:

Double-click on that line, a separate window opens.
Press on the + in front of the line Hypertext Transfer Protocol, I'm interested in the 1st line below the line Hypertext Transfer Protocol, what does it show?

this is a PUT line

PUT /core/appliances;type=heater_central/domestic_hot_water_mode_control HTTP/1.1\r\n


Please update to v0.30.0a2 and report back.

"I assume the Auto feature is on a schedule?": Yes, auto means in HA climate that for instance a schedule with various setpoints that change at certain times, is managing the heating/cooling operation. Verwarmen/koelen means there's no schedule active. It means the heating/cooling is based on a fixed setpoint.

"I can't find the current water temperature (boiler) yet?": I think you mean the domestic hot water temperature? This one would be a new sensor that I haven't seen before. I see the corresponding xml-key in the provided data, adding this sensor should be quick.


Please update to v0.30.0a2 and report back.

Hi Bouwe,

the dhw works very well. awesome

Nice, good to hear :)
I'll add the missing sensor tonight.

"I assume the Auto feature is on a schedule?": Yes, auto means in HA climate that for instance a schedule with various setpoints that change at certain times, is managing the heating/cooling operation. Verwarmen/koelen means there's no schedule active. It means the heating/cooling is based on a fixed setpoint.

"I can't find the current water temperature (boiler) yet?": I think you mean the domestic hot water temperature? This one would be a new sensor that I haven't seen before. I see the corresponding xml-key in the provided data, adding this sensor should be quick.

Yes it's the DHW temperature.

Please update to v0.30.0a3, the Opentherm DHW Temperature sensor has been added.

This is indeed the sensor I'm talking about. functions perfectly. thanks

Now I'll try to automate some stings like use the solar energy to heat the dhw.

This is indeed the sensor I'm talking about. functions perfectly. thanks

Great, so now everything is working as intended?

I still need to make some changes to the plugwise-backend (I think), related to other types of systems. So there will be one or two more alpha releases that I might ask you to test.
When that's all done I'll make a formal v0.30.0 release.

yes it works as expected. I wonder if there is a possibility to adjust the reading frequency of the dhw temperature.

Of course I would like to test more things if necessary.


The reading frequency of the dhw-temp is first determined by the Plugwise software in the Smile.
Also, you can change the update-interval of the plugwise-beta integration in HA. It is as a default set to 60 seconds.
Via the CONFIGUREER button in the integration tile you can change that interval to for instance 30 seconds.

Ok thanks, I'll try

Implemented via #304

Released in v0.30.0

@Wishdoc I have put pw-beta v0.31.0a0 online, as a pre/beta release.
Can you please test this version?

What has been changed is how heating and cooling is represented: with this version the climate card will show two setpoints, the heating-setpoint and the cooling-setpoint. Also, there is now one hvac_mode heat_cool instead of two, heat and cool. I know, this is not how Plugwise represents this but this is how Home Assistant Core represents it. And I cannot deviate from that in the HA Core Plugwise Integration. And we want to keep Plugwise-beta mostly the same as HA Core Plugwise.

Please note: when changing the cooling setpoint in HA when in heating mode, and vice versa, you will see an error.

I will update now, I'll let you know the findings


Hi Bouwe, something is wrong with setting the temperature. when I want to adjust the heating temperature during heating I get an error message, and when I adjust the cooling temp no error. so something seems wrong
By cooling the same problem.


Ok thanks. I'll have a look at what could be wrong.
Is there any extra information in the LOGBOEK available?

I'm not sure why this happens. But I made a small change in v0.31.0a1. Please install and test.
Does that change help?

Wait, I suddenly see in a picture that you posted, what is wrong.
I will try to fix this tomorrowmorning.

OkAy, for now I will install v0.30.0

@Wishdoc v0.31.0a2 is available for testing.

Later this day I'll try.

Just installed, a quick check:

  • heating looks ok.

  • cooling modus,

The desired temperature cannot be set via cooling, but via heating. also the setpoint temperature is displayed in “Anna heating setpoint "


Yes, the cooling-setpoint cannot change when the system is in heating-mode. Only the heating-setpoint. And vice versa in the cooling-mode.
The way the Plugwise software works, does not really support that. We could probably create some kind of work-around. Or show a warning on the screen.

With the above information, does this mean that the reported bug is solved?
And you don't see any other bugs?

No, the problem I meant, is already in cooling mode. imageimage

Ok I see what you mean. Apparently the heating-setpoint becomes the cooling-setpoint when you enable cooling and there is no schedule active. Does the cooling become active with this setpoint?

As far as I see in the plugwise app. It would be activated. But the outside temperature is to cold now for activating. I will try tomorrow.

Ah Ok so that's how you avoid the cooling from becoming active.

Anyway, the problem is clear. I'll rework the code to make it work like shown in the Plugwise App.

tested again today. when the cooling is switched on nothing changes on the hass thermostat. when cooling becomes active, the thermostat with the values ​​also changes as you expectimage

how do i interpret the high and low temperature of the thermostat. with cooling the "highest" temperature is leading I see and with heating the "lowest" temperature. what is the function of the other temperature that can be set?

Ok, good and correct: when the cooling becomes active, then the setpoints become updated as well.
Please note, in a next update, the cooling- and heating-setpoint will be the same when there is no schedule active. I will change the code so HA Plugwise-beta behaves in the same way as is shown in the Plugwise App.

Yes, correct. the highest is normally the cooling setpoint, the lowest the heating setpoint.

Which other temperature do you mean? The number 21.4? That is the current temperature of the room, it's not settable.

I meant the 4 degrees( heating setpoint). I didn't see the advantage of it.
As I understand in the next update this will be one temperature.

Please install and test v0.31.0a5.

Without an active schedule the heating- and cooling-setpoints should be equal.
If there is a schedule active then the setpoints will already switch when the cooling function is enabled/disabled.
And not when cooling/heating becomes active.

temperature is almost impossible to adjust. There seem to be 2 setpoints that don't "slide" together. attached 2 print screens. 1 where the 2 set temperatures are visible (only then can the temperature be adjusted) then the “globules” go together again and adjusting is not easy to doimageimage

Assumed fixed by v0.31.0.
Too cold already to test in cooling mode.

Today was a great day to test te cooling feature. And as expected it works fine. Great job @bouwew

Nice! Thanks for your help in testing :)

All the updates that you have tested will be in Core v2022.11.0.

bouwew commented

@Wishdoc Ja, dat zou heel goed kunnen, er is inmiddels flink wat aangepast mbt de koelfunctie.
En er zijn ook andere aanpassingen gemaakt, zoals benamingen en vertalingen. Kan het zijn dat de namen veranderd zijn?

En, ik zie geen printscreen? Graag rechtstreeks in het github-Issue posten :)

here are the images.



Also when manual cooling is enabled, adjusting the target temperature does not work either. it goes right back to the original setting.

bouwew commented

Please upload the diagnostics file of the Plugwise - Anna integration.

Here are the diagnostics from the integration


bouwew commented

When I look at the data in the diagnostics-file, everything is there:

        "switches": {
          "cooling_ena_switch": false,

        "sensors": {
          "setpoint_low": 10.0,
          "setpoint_high": 30.0

So it looks like the data received from the backed library contains the required data-points.

Are there any Plugwise-related errors in the HA Core LOGBOEK?

bouwew commented

When I look again at your screen-shots, I see that on some of the sensors the translations from English to Dutch names are working. But for the missing ones they are not(?).
Please have a look at the HA Logboek, maybe there are some log-entries that can show what's going on.

I'll place the logfile here. Yesterday 22:11 the wifi had a reset with a lot of errors in the log.

bouwew commented

Thanks. There are plugwise-related errors in the logfile but these are caused by the fact that the network connection is not there.

You might need to remove the Plugwise integration, restart HA and then re-add the Plugwise integration, that should restore the missing sensors, etc.

I'll give it a try.

Now i got only 1 device and 19 entities, before i had 3 devices in the integration. Now also al lot of "lost entities"

Is this because something went wrong. or because of the changes in the integration?


bouwew commented

We added translations recently so it might be that the various sensor names etc. have changed.
Are these your own created visuals?

Please look at Instellingen --> Apparaten & Diensten --> Plugwise Smile/Stretch Beta --> Anna
There should be all the devices and entities visible with their present names.

bouwew commented

That you see 1 device and not more is something of HA, wait a little time, then it should show the expected amount of devices.

Are these your own created visuals?

These are my own screenshots of my dashboard. Unfortunately I have yet to fix the automations

I have now linked the translated entities back to my dashboard. But the same entities as we started are still lost. :-(
So it still is nog possible to activate cooling. and set temperature for cooling ( after manually activate cooling at the heatpump) .

Also both entities "sensor.anna_heating_setpoint" and "sensor.anna_cooling_setpoint" are missing. that is very annoying, because I use it in my automations

bouwew commented

Can you show me screenshots of what you see at Instellingen --> Apparaten & Diensten --> Plugwise Smile/Stretch Beta --> Anna?

Also, if you have followed my advice and removed an added the plugwise-beta integration, please attach a new diagnostics-file.

sure no problem. but at the moment i'm restoring an older back-up. to check something. Afterwards i'll restore my current configuration and place the screenshots as well as the diagnostics.

thanks so far


"Also, if you have followed my advice and removed an added the plugwise-beta integration, please attach a new diagnostics-file."

ofcourse i did, after that all the names of the entities have been changed.

_"Now i got only 1 device and 19 entities, before i had 3 devices in the integration. Now also al lot of "lost entities"

Is this because something went wrong. or because of the changes in the integration?"_

bouwew commented

Can you send me a new diagnostics file?
Maybe that will show me now what has changed. I do see that the cooling/heating-setpoints are missing, as is the cooling-switch.

'"1 device and 19 entities", I have that too, it's something that HA does. When you look a few minutes later, the numbers will be correct.

sorry, maybe it's a little confusing. The previous is actual. ( NEW) restore update didn't go well. before i had 3 devices 23 entities. Now 3 devices en 19 entieties.

here is the new diagnostic

bouwew commented


All devices are there in the diagnostics file, also the missing ones in the dashboard.

Very strange.
The strange thing is, in my HA translations to NL mostly don't work. But in your system they do seem to work, at least more/better than in my system.

Can you check something for me: please look at Ontwikkelhulpmiddelen --> Statussen, in Filter entiteiten search for instelling, do you see any sensors what that word in the name? If not, search for setpoint, do you now see any sensors what that word in the name?

Instelling and setpoint both nothing present


bouwew commented

Ok, very strange.

Can you try something?
Delete the plugwise integration, in HACS, plugwise integration, select opnieuw downloaden, turn show beta off, then install version v0.34.9.
Next, restart HA, then install the plugwise integration again. Do you now see the missing sensors again?
You should see them, v0.34.9 is the last version before adding the sensor/switch/etc. name-translations.

And, if you then upgrade to v0.40.3.a1, what do you see then after the upgrade?

version V0.34.9 is not available. try to install v0.40.2 ? and then 0.40.3.a1?


bouwew commented

Please follow the instructions: turn off Betaversies weergeven, you might need to close this window an reopen it again for the change to have effect.

version v.0.34.9 the missing entities are back.
adjusting temperature in cooling mode is not possible. ( can change the temp but falls back to original temp )

Also info from Ontwikelhulpmiddelen:


after update v0.40.3.a1

there is also info available at Ontwikkelhulpmiddelen


The enitities are lost again

bouwew commented

What happens when you set the HA language to English and then restart HA, do the missing sensors-etc. then show up?

at the moment (I think) all entities are functioning well. version v.0.34.9 with my backup before the translation came in.

during cooling it is difficult to set the desired temperature. see video. cooling is active at the beginning and the desired temperature for heating can be set, but not cooling. then cool ln turns off and the exact same thing happens.

bouwew commented

Agree, you should stay at v0.34.9 until we have a better idea why the name-translations don't work as intended.

I'll have a look at the code to try finding out why changing of the setpoint does not work for cooling.

if it is necessary to test it with HA to the English language, I am willing to do so. Otherwise i'll keep version v0.34.9

bouwew commented

No, not needed to test with English language.

bouwew commented

@Wishdoc can you please install and test version 0.34.11a0?

I discovered a bug in the set_temperature() function, this has been fixed. Now changing the cooling-setpoint, when in cooling mode, and changing the heating-setpoint, when in heating mode, should work correctly.

Please note: changing the cooling-setpoint, when in heating mode, and changing the heating-setpoint, when in cooling mode is not possible, Plugwise does not allow for that. I have implemented that the code raises an Error, I'm not sure if that error will be visible in HA.

Finally, on the climate-card, only the active setpoint and the min or max value for the "non-active setpoint" is shown. The values that are in the active schedule for the "non-active setpoint" are now ignored.

@bouwew just installed and tested. Adjusting the temperature is not possible.
See screenshot out of "logboek".

also "volledig logboek" attached.

and "diagnostiek" out of integration attached.
config_entry-plugwise-e0b2139cd4379e81c2e59660651ec5dc.json (1).txt


For now, after activating and deactivating cooling mode it's not possible to re-activate the cooling mode.

Dispite to cooling mode is not active the following error appears.

bouwew commented

Please install pw-beta v0.34.11a1, with this version the setpoint_high/-low values should be correct.
Please test again and let me know your results.


When it is in heat mode, it looks like he's expecting Plugwise is in cooling mode and vice versa

bouwew commented

When you turn the cooling-mode to on, the climate-card looks correct.
But then you try to change the wrong (heating) setpoint, that does not work, will never work, so please stop doing that.
Try changing the cooling setpoint, the highest value, does that work?

Both ways gave problems.

In this video I only changed the highest temperature in cooling mode. And only change the lowest temp in heating mode. Also after manually changing the cooling switch it changes automatically off and on again and vice versa

Only looked in Plugwise app to see if cooling really is activated. ( no manual action in Plugwise app )

bouwew commented

@Wishdoc Ok, hopefully more bugs fixed: please try v0.34.11a2

Installed v0.34.11a2

When in heating mode changing the lowest setpoint this error appears

When in cooling mode changing the highest setpoint the following error appears.


bouwew commented

Again, thanks for testing.
There is still something in reverse I think.
How do the climate-cards look like when the system is in heating-mode, and in cooling mode?

In heating mode the low (left) setpoint should show the heating-setpoint, the high (right) setpoint should be at 30°C.
In cooling mode the low (left) setpoint should be at 4°C, the high (right) setpoint should show the cooling-setpoint.

Looks like you described.

bouwew commented

Very good to know that this at least functions as intended, thanks!
Tonight I'll think about what causes the error-messages.

bouwew commented

@Wishdoc please test v0.34.11a4


first tests seems good. Later today I'll take a closer look.


Hi Bouwe,

everything seems to be working fine. you did great again.
