- 0
Loki requires version 9.4.0 fro grafana
#2848 opened - 0
Joomla DB connect problem
#2838 opened - 1
upload artifact deprecated
#2787 opened - 0
Jenkins node connect issues
#2765 opened - 3
- 0
- 1
Jenkins "No mode given" when we create jobs
#2708 opened - 3
Jenkins install
#2597 opened - 0
Remove anonymous push from Jfrog
#2540 opened - 0
Ansible and github action
#2520 opened - 1
ksoftirqd consume 100% in k3s
#2208 opened - 1
Jenkins -> k8s connect demo
#2075 opened - 0
Simplify Ansible
#2012 opened - 1
Remove full k8s installation
#2011 opened - 1
Add k8s demos.
#1928 opened - 0
Testing demo
#1870 opened - 0
Changes in course
#1483 opened - 1
Gitlab demo
#1436 opened - 1
Groovy task for clone does not work with private key
#1392 opened - 1
Record video for long lessons
#1387 opened - 1
Switch to Ansible 4
#1386 opened - 1
Switch to CentOS 8
#1385 opened - 1
Demo for expose Dashboard for k8s in EC
#1353 opened - 1
Docker auto-build does not work
#1337 opened - 1
Action for whitespaces in path
#1276 opened - 2
Add Flux-cd demo
#1160 opened - 1
Jenkins basic-security.groovy does not work PASS
#1154 opened - 1
Add ansible full task to redeploy hosts
#1138 opened - 1
Create slack bot for jenkins
#1137 opened - 1
How to get data from docker volume
#1114 opened - 1
Disable IPv6 in Jenkins yum task in docker
#1075 opened - 1
Ansible workshop
#1067 opened - 1
Terraform: link two containers
#1045 opened - 2
Vagrant does not work with push
#1033 opened - 0
Create wiki
#601 opened