
One can simply use the shortcut key to upload the picture of the paste board to the seven-cow picture bed plug-in, allowing you to write markdown with vscode to have a better experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


One can simply use the shortcut key to upload the picture of the paste board to the seven-cow picture bed plug-in, allowing you to write markdown with vscode to have a better experience.

Une simple utilisation des touches de raccourcissage permet de télécharger une image de la plaque collante sur le plug-in de la table de chiu pour améliorer l’efficacité de l’écriture.

간단히 단축키를 사용하여 접착판의 사진을 칠우도 침대의 플러그인에 올려 글을 쓰는 능력을 향상시키는 것.




Object storage

Widely used in the sea volume data management scenarios

• standard storage free 10 GB • unlimited monthly free upload traffic • 100,000 PUT/ month and 1 million GET/ month


Search in the plugin store : markdown CoUBGV4T9iuARVgNAAA20pJb9Lg736

Go to www.qiniu.com and apply for ak and sk

mac shortcut key:option + command + v

win shortcut key:ctrl + alt + v


    "qiniu.access_key": "*******************",
    "qiniu.secret_key": "*******************",
    "qiniu.bucket": "static",
    "qiniu.remotePath": "shudong/${fileName}",
    "qiniu.domain": "http://s.shudong.wang"

I have been using vscode to develop and write notes and articles, but I have used several vscode diagram bed plug-ins that do not meet my needs. Today, I wanted to have a look at the writing notes, but I found the screenshots were too troublesome to process the pictures. Therefore, I have this plug-in. I just want to experience the development process of vscode plug-in and also facilitate my writing experience.

If the use of a happy star is not bad!