
Google ML Winter Camp 2020, yxh, hy, xjh ~

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Google ML Winter Camp 2020, Yang Hu, Jiahao Xu, Xiaohan Yu ~

All code used for our final demo is here.

FontRNN is the code for preprocessing and training. It's based on FontRNN.

We use CASIA Online dataset.

FontRNN/code/preprocess.ipynb are used to preprocess this dataset.

Then FontRNN/code/draw_all_char.ipynb is used to draw all chars generated by our model (3700+ chinese chars).

We upload all those chars and our models into github, so it may takes some minutes to clone thos repo.

The UI is a flask project. it's very sample, just go to web folder and run flask run to lauch it.

Demo on Google Cloud

Google website for the Winter camp


Sketch RNN