
Stateless React Components for iotaCSS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React iotaCSS

Stateless React Components for iotaCSS.


  • Uses iotaCSS styles
  • You can use iotaPlate with it
  • Works on any application architecture
  • Great for prototyping
  • Production ready ( Not yet, optimizations coming soon, API won't change though, so, use it with no risk )
  • Tested

Getting Started

Step 1: Install react-iotacss package

$ npm install --save react-iotacss

Step 2: Install iotaCSS

For this example, we will use iotaPlate, iotaCSS's official CLI.

$ npm install -g iotaplate

Navigate to the directory you want to have your scss. For this example is scss:

$ cd scss
$ iotaplate

Step 3: Import and use React iotaCSS

import React from 'react'

// Import Container, H1 and P components
import { Container, H1, P } from 'react-iotacss'

// Import iotaCSS SCSS code that we generated with iotaPlate
import './scss/main.scss'

const App = () => (
  <Container size="small">
    <H1 size="large">Getting Started with React iotaCSS</H1>
    <P>This is an example on how to get started with React iotaCSS</P>

Also, make sure you check the demo here.



The Container is responsible for creating smart, flexible and responsive containers.


Name Type Default Description
gutter String '' Container extra gutter name
size String '' Container extra size name


<Container size="large">
  Some content here


The Grid is responsible for building a smart, flexible and responsive grid.


Name Type Default Description
align oneOf(['right', 'center', 'top', 'middle', 'bottom', 'around', 'between']) 'top' Align grid vertically and horizontally
gutter String '' Grid extra gutter name
rev Boolean false Reversed grid
equalHeight Boolean false Grid with equal height


<Grid gutter="large">
  <Grid.Column uSize="1/2">
    Half width column
  <Grid.Column uSize="1/2">
    Another half width column


The List is responsible for creating inline, block and span lists. You can use it to build the structure of UI components like navigations or vertical lists.


Name Type Default Description
type oneOf(['inline', 'block', 'span']) 'inline' Type of list
align oneOf(['top', 'middle', 'bottom']) 'top' Align list vertically
gutter String '' List extra gutter name


<List type="block">
    List Item 1
    List Item 1


Media is responsible for a common design pattern where there is a fixed and a fluid width column next to each other. It's used to build the structure of sidebars, comments, avatar and other similar UI components.


Name Type Default Description
align oneOf(['top', 'middle', 'bottom']) 'top' Align media vertically
gutter String '' Media extra gutter name
rev Boolean false Reversed media
res Boolean false Responsive media


<Media align="middle">
    Fixed part of Media
    Fluid part of Media


The Type is responsible for making responsive typography a piece of cake.


Name Type Default Description
size String '' Typography size
tagName String 'p' HTML tag to use
<Type tagName="span" size="large">Large Text</Type>
<H1>Heading 1</H1>
<H2>Heading 2</H2>
<H3>Heading 3</H3>
<H4>Heading 4</H4>
<H5>Heading 5</H5>
<H6>Heading 6</H6>

Note: H1 - H6 components do not provide any size. They only use the related HTML tag.


React iotaCSS uses a smart way to parse properties to utility classes:

<Type uText="center" uMb>Centered text with default margin botto</Type>

<p class="o-text-center u-mb">Centered text with default margin bottom</p>

Available Properties

The available properties are the same as the utilities that come with iotaCSS:

  • uAlign
  • uBgcolor
  • uClearfix
  • uColor
  • uDisplay
  • uFloat
  • uMt
  • uMr
  • uMb
  • uMl
  • uMv
  • uMh
  • uOpacity
  • uPt
  • uPr
  • uPb
  • uPl
  • uPv
  • uPh
  • uPosition
  • uPull
  • uPush
  • uSize
  • uText
  • uTransform
  • uWeight


<H1 size="large" uText="center" uMb="all large@sm">Hello World</H1>

<h1 class="o-type-size u-mb u-mb-large@sm">Hello World</h1>

Responsive Utilities

React iotaCSS also supports responsive utilities with a similar syntax to iotaCSS itself, with one big difference. Since in React you cannot pass two times the same property with difference values, iotaCSS introduces the 'all' word which is used in case you want to have for example a default margin everywhere and a large margin to only 'sm' breakpoint:

<Type uText="right center@sm" uMb="large" uMt="all large@sm">Right on all devices, center on tablets and up. Default margin bottom in all devices and large margin bottom in tablets and up</Type>

<p class="u-text-right u-text-center@sm u-mb-large u-mt u-mt-large@sm" uMb="large" uMt="all large@sm">Right on all devices, center on tablets and up. Default margin bottom in all devices and large margin bottom in tablets and up</p>