
Execution several times using decorators of Python until no exceptions occur

Primary LanguagePython


from repeat import repeat_until_no_exceptions


Test code

from random import randint

@repeat_until_no_exceptions(5, 2, IndexError)
def test_func(test_list: list):
    rdm_idx = randint(0, 10)
    print(f'{rdm_idx = }')
    return test_list[rdm_idx]

Success in 5 chances

test_func(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
rdm_idx = 4
[Chance : 5] "test_func" will be re-executed after 2 sec.

rdm_idx = 10
[Chance : 4] "test_func" will be re-executed after 2 sec.

rdm_idx = 3

Failure in 5 chances

rdm_idx = 5
[Chance : 5] "test_func" will be re-executed after 2 sec.

rdm_idx = 2
[Chance : 4] "test_func" will be re-executed after 2 sec.

rdm_idx = 9
[Chance : 3] "test_func" will be re-executed after 2 sec.

rdm_idx = 9
[Chance : 2] "test_func" will be re-executed after 2 sec.

rdm_idx = 6
[Chance : 1] "test_func" will be re-executed after 2 sec.

Exhaustion of all chances


TimeoutError          Traceback (most recent call last)

File ~/repetition_until_no_exception/repeat.py:15, in repeat.<locals>.a.<locals>.b(*args, **kwargs)
     13         time.sleep(waiting_second)
     14 print(f'Exhaustion of all chances')
---> 15 raise TimeoutError
